Assault Rigs

Assault Rigs


Release Date: February 1, 1996

Action, TPP, science fiction, tanks, multiplayer, singleplayer, LAN

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Action game with elements of a simulator, in which we sit behind the controls of virtual tanks and take part in brutal games. In addition to dozens of missions designed for solo play, Assault Rigs offers levels designed for multiplayer play. Noteworthy is also the graphic design, maintained in a style evoking associations with the cult film Tron.

Assault Rigs is an action game with simulation elements, developed by Psygnosis, a team whose portfolio includes a number of iconic titles, such as Lemmings, WipEout and Shadow of the Beast series.


In Assault Rigs the action takes place in a distant future, in which conventional sports have become a thing of the past. Their place was taken by brutal competition in virtual reality reminiscent of the one presented in the famous Tron movie.

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Last updated on April 17, 2020

Assault Rigs Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

PlayStation 1

PlayStation 1

Developer: Psygnosis

Publisher: Psygnosis

Age restrictions: none