The seventh installment of the cult mobile racing series, launched by Gameloft. The game offers 60 licensed cars, 15 different routes and a typical arcadic driving model in a spectacular graphic design, enriched with a new multiplayer mode.
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Asphalt 7: Heat Description
Hit the speed of heat in the newest, fastest, most visually stunning edition of the famed Asphalt series. Drive 60 different cars from the world’s most prestigious manufacturers, like Ferrari, Lamborghini and Aston Martin, including the legendary DeLorean. Gear up to race on 15 tracks set in real cities around the world, including brand new tracks in Hawaii, Paris, London, Miami and Rio.
Last updated on August 14, 2015
Asphalt 7: Heat Summary
Game Series: Asphalt
PC / Windows July 27, 2013
Android OS June 26, 2012
Apple iOS June 20, 2012
Windows Phone February 27, 2013
Asphalt 7: Heat System Requirements
PC / Windows
Recommended: 1 GB RAM, Karta grafiki compatible with DirectX 9.1, Windows 8