Another Code: Recollection

Another Code: Recollection


Release Date: January 19, 2024

Adventure, TPP, package, remaster/remake, Nintendo exclusive, singleplayer

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Another Code: Recollection is a remake compilation of Another Code: Two Memories and Another Code R, exclusive to the Nintendo Switch. The game stars Ashley Robbins, a teenager trying to learn the truth about her parents.

Another Code: Recollection is a remake compilation of two point & click adventure games, Another Code: Two Memories (2005, Nintendo DS) and Another Code: R - Journey into Lost Memories (2009, Nintendo Wii). Both remakes were created by Nintendo.


The game's protagonist is Ashley Mizuki Robbins, a teenager raised by her aunt Jessica in Seattle. Her life one day changes forever, when her father Richard lets her know he wishes to see her. This comes as a shock to the girl, since both her parents were thought to be dead ever since she was four. She thus heads out to Blood Edward island, to uncover the secrets of her family.

Another Code: R – Journey into Lost Memories is a direct sequel to the first game. Ashley is now sixteen years old and is trying to learn more about her mother, Sayoko.

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Videos and Screens

[0:33] Another Code: Recollection Another Code: Recollection - Launch Trailer

[3:46] Another Code: Recollection trailer #2

Another Code: Recollection Summary




Developer: Nintendo

Publisher: Nintendo