Age of Empires Mobile

Age of Empires Mobile

AoE Mobile


Release Date: October 17, 2024

Strategy, RTS, free-to-play, online, multiplayer, singleplayer, internet

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A free-to-play spin-off of the popular series of RTS games, developed for mobile devices. Age of Empires Mobile offers mechanics typical for this series, but also plenty of brand new features, including turn-based battles in addition to classic real time combat.

Age of Empires Mobile is a spin-off of the best-selling RTS series, launched in 1997. This version was prepared for mobile devices. The game is the result of a collaboration between the World’s Edge team, which has been overseeing the development of the series since 2019, and TiMi Studios.

The latter's portfolio includes projects such as Call of Duty: Mobile, Pokemon Unite and Metal Slug: Awakening, but also Return to Empire that's very popular in China. That last title was a very clear inspiration for the authors. The game is distributed in a free-to-play model with microtransactions.


The foundation of Age of Empires Mobile is based on the gameplay scheme developed for the earlier parts of the series. However, the whole thing has been adapted for mobile gaming, which means not only changed control schemes, but also new mechanics.

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Videos and Screens

[1:16] Age of Empires Mobile - Mercenary Trailer

[1:27] Age of Empires Mobile Global Launch Trailer



in Age of Empires Game Series

Game Series

Age of Empires Series

The bestselling series of real-time strategy (RTS) games, which is under the publishing supervision of Microsoft. Over the years, the development of the series has been handled by various development studios. Its first three installments were developed by the now-defunct Ensemble Studios, while the fourth part of the series was the work of the Relic Entertainment and World's Edge teams (which in 2019 was entrusted with the care of the series). In addition, such studios as Forgotten Empires, Griptonite Games, Gas Powered Games, Hidden Path Entertainment, Smoking Gun Interactive and TiMi Studios made their mark on the brand.

16 video games

Age of Empires Game Series

Age of Empires Mobile Summary


Android OS

Android OS

Apple iOS

Apple iOS

Developer: World's Edge / TiMi Studio Group (AND) / TiMi Studio Group (iOS)

Publisher: Level Infinite

Age restrictions: 12+