Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations
A video game based on Adventure Time, a popular animated TV show that aired on Cartoon Network, and developed by Vicious Cycle - the studio responsible for Madagascar 3: The Video Game and Ben 10 Omniverse.
developer: Vicious Cycle publisher: Little Orbit Official website
Games similar to Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations
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Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations is a PC action-adventure game developed by Vicious Cycle Software, creators of Madagascar 3: The Video Game and Ben 10 Omniverse.
Based on a popular Adventure Time animated TV show, which aired on Cartoon Network, the game is set in a distant future, in the Land of Ooo, located on the post-apocalyptic Earth. The game’s main heroes are a boy named Finn and a magical dog Jake, who is able to change his shape and size at will. The story begins when the two decide to follow in the footsteps of Finn’s parents and become private detectives. Their services are quickly proven to be very desirable, as Ooo's inhabitants begin to disappear without a trace and strange occurrences appear throughout the land.
As befits an action-adventure game, Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations offers a challenge for both your manual and analytical skills. As you play you explore the game world, talk to other characters, fight with opponents and solve puzzles. Combat system is fast-paced and demanding, and puzzles are quite difficult and require smart use of the unique capabilities of the two heroes.
The artwork in Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations makes a nice impression. Although it offers full 3D, it manages to catch the style and atmosphere of the original cartoon show.
Last updated on 29 September 2015
Game mode: single player
PEGI rating Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations