Aces of the Pacific

Aces of the Pacific


Release Date: February 20, 1992

Simulation, World War II, planes, singleplayer

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Aces of the Pacific is an air combat simulator that took place during World War II over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The player can play on both the Japanese and the American side, which will result in completely different scenarios.

Aces of the Pacific is an air combat simulator that took place during World War II over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The player can play on both the Japanese and the American side, which will result in completely different scenarios.

The Aces of the Pacific offers the possibility of flying thirty-four planes, divided for each side according to the type of unit to which we will enlist for service (Navy, Air Force). Each of them has a separate dashboard, its advantages and disadvantages, and similar to real manoeuvres. Before starting the game, you can take a closer look at them and read short characteristics using the option of watching vehicles. There are many missions available in the game, both loose missions (e.g. historical scenarios, bomber escorts, attacks on enemy ships or aerial aces), as well as fully fledged campaigns (career mode), which offer completely different actions depending on the formation in which we choose to serve.

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Last updated on August 14, 2015

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Aces of the Pacific Summary


PC / Windows

PC / Windows

Age restrictions: 12+

Game Expansions for Aces of the Pacific

Aces of the Pacific WWII: 1946



October 10, 1992

The only official extension to the Aces of the Pacific, an air battle simulator over the Pacific from the Second World War. This time the authors of the program decided to entertain clairvoyants and offered the player a set of completely hypothetical missions that take place just after the actual capitulation of Japan.

Aces of the Pacific WWII: 1946