Goalkeeper interventions | Defense FIFA 16 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Charge out
Often, if the charge is performed properly, it saves your hide, in the case of one-on-one situations. The key is to wait for he appropriate moment, before you leave the goal, and intervene quickly - you get the chance of a successful intervention, in the case in which the opponent is releasing the ball too far ahead. This is a perfect way of reducing the angle of the opponent's, and limiting the available space in the goal. To head out of the goal, press the charge out button.
Defending penalties
Just like in real life, defending penalties is a lottery - it is really difficult to predict in which direction the opponent will send the ball. Max out the chances of a successful guess, it is a good idea to lunge to the left and to the right, while ignoring the lower corners of the goal - this provides you with a greater chance of parring the shot, which will possibly sent that direction. Sometimes, players send the ball in the direction in which they look - however this is not a rule.
The last defender
Due to major changes in the defensive game, the goalkeeper frequently plays the role of the last defender. It is frequent an occurrence that you will be playing the ball back to your own goalkeeper, in order to change the direction of the action. Often, you will also be walking far out of your own penalty area. By holding down the charge out button, you can leave the penalty area and kick away the ball going towards your goal, at the moment wt which one of the opponent's players is trying to reach it.