Economy and Technology Screens
Here you can find information about Economy Screen and Technology Screen in Endless Space 2. Note: you need to understand the game UI.
Here you can find information about Economy and Technology Screen:
Economy Screen

On this screen you have three additional tabs: Trade & Resources, Systems and Marketplace. You will most often use the first two, and you will find a lot of information about your profits and revenues on planets and your current status here. The Marketplace, has deliberately not been described here, because you will only unlock it later on and you will not be using it very often. It has been described in the chapter on trade.
(1) You can find the current Dust inflation status on the side bar (how much more you need to spend than something is actually worth), as well as the list of Company Headquarters and their trading Subsidiaries.
(2) List of Trading Companies in your empire together with details. How much each one earns, how many trade routes it contains, and the number of ships and the effectiveness of that company. You can spend Dust in order to improve these last two factors. Below, there is a bar that, when completed, will unlock another company. You will learn more about trading from the next chapters.
(3) The list of luxury resources you have in your warehouses. Each is assigned to a specific resource/effect icon, that it effects during System Development.
(4) Here you select what luxury resources you want to assign to System Development. Choose the resources you have a lot of, you can acquire easily or you want the effect of. You cannot undo the decision once it has been made! From now you need 25 units of the selected material to build this object.
Technology Screen

Here you can select the technologies, that you want your researchers to develop. Technologies, which are closer to the centre are the initial research that you can unlock. To get better improvements, modules, etc. You need to develop as many technologies in the current ring as to be able to unlock the next one (the amount of required technology varies with each level). This is the case for each of the four areas.
(1) In the side panel you can see how many Science points you earn per turn (it is counted from the whole empire and all possible bonuses). You also see which technologies you have chosen to develop and how much time it will take.
(2) The search tool is a very useful feature. You can enter a word or a part of one here (if you are not sure what you are looking for), e.g. colonization. Then, all of the technologies that contain this word will be highlighted.
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