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Movies & Series 12 August 2022, 14:00

author: Martin Nothing

Cate Blanchett. Our choices for the new James Bond actor/actress

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Photo source: still from the movie Ocean's 8 - Who Should Be the New James Bond? - document - 2022-07-28
Photo source: still from the movie Ocean's 8
  1. Age : 53
  2. Country of birth : Australia
  3. What productions have she played in : The Lord of the Rings , Nightmare Alley , Don't Look Up , Ocean's 8 , Thor: Ragnarok .

For some time ago, Cate Blanchett was the premium candidate to play a Bond villain. This doesn't surprise us. Starring a role of a villain is nothing new to her, as we could see her in Thor Ragnarok, starring the role of Hela.

In recent years, Cate shown that nothing is impossible for her in the world of acting. Elf in a fantasy movie? Sure as hell. A villain in a blockbuster? Definitely. An action movie heroine? She can pull off even that.

Therefore, we believe that Cate Blanchett would be the perfect candidate for the role of female James Bond. However, the only thing preventing her from reaching that goal is her age, as she turned 53 this year, and playing 007 would require a multi-year contract encompassing several films. I don't think that Cate is ready for the hardships and effort that involve such a choice.

Perhaps, however, by involving her in this project, the creators could decide to slowly pass the stick to a younger actor or actress as the new Bond series develops. Cate Blanchett as a mentor to the new British agent? I'm in.

Martin Nothing

Martin Nothing

He began his writing adventure in the now non-existent Mobilny Swiat. Then he wandered around various technology services. Although he is not a typical gamer, and has only Football Manager on his computer, he finally ended up on GRYOnline.pl. There is not a day when he wouldn't watch reviews of new smartphones, that's why he initially wrote about all kinds of technology. Over time, however, he shifted his interests more towards cinematography. An NBA fan who believes that Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James, and that basketball from the 90s was more pleasing to the eye.


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