Dandelion wears a hat of a Shrek's friend. Best easter eggs of Netflix Witcher Season 2

Marek Jura

Dandelion wears a hat of a Shrek's friend

  1. Episode: 4
  2. What does it refer to?: Puss in Boots from Shrek and a series of spin-offs

The hat that Dandelion wears for a while in Season 2 of The Witcher resembles the one with which one of Shrek's characters adorned his kitty head. Of course, we're talking about Puss in Boots, a folk tale character with Italian roots.

But where does this reference come from? A reference that's not really in line with the other ones? Perhaps the creators wanted to use the character of Shrek and the spin-offs to draw attention to one of the most famous heroes of European folklore, much less popular in the United States. At the beginning, Puss in Boots appeared most probably in the stories written in what is now Italy. The tale became widely known only thanks to a French man, Charles Perrault. Later it was even included in the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales collection, but it was omitted in subsequent editions.

Did the creators of The Witcher really mean Americans' interest in European folk culture? Or is it just an insignificant reference to the hero of an otherwise still popular animation? Anyway, I am not surprised that Dandelion is wearing the hat.

Marek Jura

Author: Marek Jura

In 2016, he graduated in philology at UAM. Since then, he has been reviewing prose, poetry, movies, series, and video games for GRYOnline.pl. He took his first steps in the journalism industry as a newsman in a local tabloid. He ran his own company - he designed, created, tested, and sold board games. He published several short stories and is also preparing his debut volume of poetry. Trains martial arts. A feminist, vegan, fan of pineapple on pizza, cat lover, dislikes Bethesda and Amazon, likes Lovecraft, Agents of SHIELD, P:T, Beksiński, Hollow Knight, performance, abstract art, game mods and dumplings.