Final Fight | Walkthrough Dust Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
The "Dust To Dust" quest will be updated. You will find a save point. Go right- a lot of enemies. Watch out for the enemy flying machines. A good way to deal with them is Dust Storm. Jump down - a chest to the left. Make your way into the next area - a treasure icon. There is a save point there to the right, release the fruit bomb and , jumping over the moving platforms, smash the wall to the right. There is a chest behind the wall. Jump up to the area above. Watch out for the enemy aircraft. On top to the left, there is a chest. Keep climbing the lianas and go right. Reach an airstream. Make the piece of land above fall apart. And use the airstream to collect the key. Go right and fight the monsters - a cutscene. Go right - you will find a save point - a treasure icon. Go right - a cutscene. The "Dust To Dust" quest will be updated.
Jump down and you will find a shop. Slide to the right. You will fall down. Destroy the two walls to the left. Slide to the left and then, to the right. You will find three keys. Use the next airstream to get to the platform to the right - a chest. Use the airstream to make the ground disappear for a moment and go up through the free space to land onto the platform. Go right to the next area. Go right and then, over the platform to the left. At the airstream fall on the ledge to the left - a chest. Use the air stream to go up as far as possible and land on the left. Destroy the first cannon. Go left, collect the bomb and direct it towards the wall to the right of the airstream. Go to the next area - a treasure icon. Destroy two walls. Jump over the platforms and destroy the second cannon.
Go right and slide to the right. Fall down and use the airstream to collect two keys below, above the lava. Use the airstream and climb lianas to the area above - a treasure icon. To the left, there is a save point. Use flying in the Dust Storm mode to reach the platform with the chest in the area to the left. You will obtain the Wedding Ring. Put it on. To return to the save point, jump and use fast move to the right. To the right of the save point, use fast move to the right to get to the cannon and destroy it. Return to the bit of land that is falling apart. Underneath there is an airstream that will lift you to lianas. Then, slide several times to the right, and watch out for the lava. Over the moving platform, make your way to the right. Jump off the platform and you will land next to the cannon. It is the easier way to destroy it.
To the right of the liana there are bombs. On the ledge to the left of lianas, there is a key. You have just found 100% of all the treasures in the game. Keep climbing over lianas and destroy the aircraft. Start climbing again. Destroy the last cannon. Go right and you will see a cutscene. The "Dust To Dust" quest will be updated. Go right and fight off the enemy. In the next area, there is a shop Over lianas you will reach a save point. Keep climbing over lianas, go right to the next area. A cutscene will start - the first part of the fight with Gaius. Use melee attacks and Fidget's power.
It is not going to be difficult. When Gaius's bar drops to zero, you will watch a cutscene. In the second part of the fight, your opponent will be throwing poisonous violet balls at you.
Also an aircraft will arrive to aid him. Remember to regenerate your health, just in case. When your enemy's health drops to zero again, another cutscene will start. After that, you will fight the third part (the below screenshot). Watch out for the poisonous balls again. You can use a fruit bomb against Gaius. Keep regenerating your health and you are sure to make it. The best idea is to launch melee attacks.
When the opponents energy drops to zero, the time for the last part of the battle will come. Make sure that Gaius does not knock you off to lava.
If he does, use lianas. Finally, Gaius will fall down. Crawl to the right. You will notice Gaius hanging over the chasm.
The last thing for you to do now is watch the outro and the credits roll.