Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas - v.1.05 Super$eller - Game update - Download

Game update (patch) to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas , a(n) action game, v.1.05 Super$eller, added on Tuesday, September 4, 2007.


File Type: Game update

File Size: 23.1 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Downloads: 2935

Last 7 days: 0

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Version: v.1.05 EN

The amendment system designed for Polish version (Super $ eller edition) game Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas .

Changes in version 1.05


General Description



* Upgrade - Now ping values ??are given in milliseconds.

* Upgrade - Now chat text disappears after a few seconds.

* New - Added support for widescreen.

* New - Added modes Assassination and Conquest.

* New - You can change your name in the games on the LAN.

* New - Added support for standalone server (see R6VegasServerReadme.txt).

Improved Fault

* weapon no longer putting itself after spawning.

* Addresses an issue in that it was not possible ammunition complement and gadgets in certain circumstances.

* You can no longer use the console for dedicated servers.

* The text is no longer in the chat window after one game.

* Servers are no longer available after prolonged exposure.

* Resolved an issue in which customers remained in the lobby during the game.

* Maps search servers now appear correctly.

* The container is now available during the second game.

* C4 running properly on the door.

* Fixed camera image mode fiber observer.

* Fixed a bug that allows throwing grenades during the firing of a gun.

* Fixed a bug related to the use of fiber optic camera on the open door.

* Fixed a bug that allows the use of proprietary items while hunting for terrorists in cooperative mode.

* Fixed a bug that allows dubbing objects under the open door.

* Fixed a bug that the train doors shut properly, if you earned points on the end of the game.

* Fixed a bug that opponents were invisible on the radar after hiding behind the cover.

Fixed visual problem associated with the use of the door cover.

* Fixed a bug that allows throwing grenades through the door after using fiber optic camera.

* Fixed a bug that could not take any weapons.

* Fixed a bug allowing players to attach to an already filled games.

* Fixed a bug related to the ability to create teams started the game.

Fixed errors grenades przelatujacymi through the wall.

* Fixed visual associated with ballistic shields.

* Fixed a bug that caused the minimap disappeared after killing the enemy.

* Fixed visual associated with helmets.

* Fixed an asynchronous windows bursting with customers.

* Fixed a bug that caused players, hiding behind cover, they looked as if he slipped.

* Fixed a bug that Logan penetrated through the walls, hiding behind cover.

* Improved damaged animation using gadgets.

* Fixed a bug related to the transition from realistic to normal mode after recording or checkpoint.

* Fixed a bug that caused failure to store equipment in the hunt for terrorists in single player mode.

* Resolved a problem with ekwipunkiem nieprzechodzacym of games to play.

* Resolved an issue in which the game did not use the equipment after the restart.

* Fixed a bug which resulted in the PEC Staff Elements equipment was not available at the start of the game.

* Fixed a bug that removes restrictions items after a cycle of rotation of maps.

* Fixed a bug allowing players to dead communicate with the living players.

* Fixed display error in the hunt for terrorists (incorrect number of goals).

* Fixed configuration eliminating weapons after loading the map.

* Fixed movement causes the release of a quick change of direction.

* Fixed a bug that caused the change game options and its simultaneous suspension.

* Fixed giving hostages to two arrows instead of one.

* Fixed a bug which resulted in equipment and reload did not work together, if you have clicked the keys almost simultaneously.

* Fixed a bug that dating disappeared during the descent of the lines.

* Fixed incorrect display of color camouflage.

* Fixed prevented in certain situations staining shell.

* Fixed a bug that caused the movement of the background in the client lobby.

* Fixed the display keys when using the Xbox 360 controller.

* Fixed a bug that caused the Alpha team was always highlighted in the results screen mission, even if the player was in the dru

  • Last update: Tuesday, September 4, 2007
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 23.1 MB