Thief 2: The Metal Age - Night in Rocksbourg 1: A New Beginning v.1.2 - Game mod - Download
The file Night in Rocksbourg 1: A New Beginning v.1.2 is a modification for Thief 2: The Metal Age, a(n) action game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 48.4 MB
Last Update: Monday, April 20, 2020
Downloads: 169
Last 7 days: 0
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Night in Rocksbourg 1: A New Beginning is a fan mission for Thief 2: The Metal Age, created by DrK (Kubiac).
The first mission of six-mission campaign, which takes place during one night in the town of Rocksbourg.
In this mission, explore Rocksbourg and soak up the atmopshere !
These events take place immediately after Thief II and some time before Thief III.
* Briefing *
You'd better watch the video... ;)
"Karras is dead. Blinded by fanaticism, he forgot he was human and nothing more. The Builder's chosen one, defeated by a thief. It makes me smile. But Viktoria's plan wasn't perfect. It cost her life, and she wasn't the only one. Some of Karras' servants stayed locked in the manors. Others didn't respond to the beacon's call -- certainly a fault of their maker. But the consequences were tragic.
After the incident at Soulforge, the authorities and citizens discovered Karras' evil plans, and turned against the remaining Mechanists. Without support, the order fell. Yet again, I'm the one who saved the City, but heroism didn't suit me the first time.
With the collapse of the Mechanists, the City became chaotic. Plots, conspiracies, murders. Theft too. The city watch was torn into factions: some followed Lt. Mosley's every word, but many who prospered under Truart joined together and ridiculously praised his memory. The Hammerites returned in strength to reclaim what they perceived as their rightful power. They threatened to fill Cragscleft with prisoners -- criminals or not -- just like in the golden days. Too much action, not enough shadows, and so I took the advice of the Keepers. I decided to leave the City for a time, to let some water flow under the bridge.
For my retreat, I traveled to Rocksbourg, some kind of ancient fortress town that was considered impregnable. Except for a few local tales, Rocksbourg was a discreet place ignored by everyone. For a thief like me, it was the perfect place to vanish. When I arrived two weeks ago, I found refuge with Garibald, a contact of the Keepers. He said there were three such contacts in town, but he didn't know the other two. I expected them to appear on their own schedule, as usual.
With time on my hands, I explored Rocksbourg. I didn't enter the fortress heart of the city, where all the wealth is concentrated. The area is protected by high walls and guards. So I worked the outskirts. A few acquisitions, barely enough to pay for lodging and food, barely enough for my time. But those who keep their ears open on the street can hear curious things...
Indeed, the Mechanists, or what's left of them, haven't vanished completely. There are some in Rocksbourg who call themselves the "Builder's Children". They claim to be more moderate than Karras. Before the fall of Soulforge and Karras' death, one of his colleagues fled the City and came to Rocksbourg. A man named Feguen. The name struck me, and then I remembered when and where I heard it: eavesdropping at the door of the Mechanist church, listening to the conversation between Karras and Truart. "Friend Feguen, could you please sweep these remains..." Feguen joined with the Mechanists in Rocksbourg, where he met another leader named Dreyfus. Despite my efforts, I couldn't learn anything about Dreyfus, but I know that together the men broke away from Karras' version of the Mechanist path.
As I figured, the Keepers soon contacted me. I received a message: they want to meet me immediately, back in the Old City. But before returning, I have a night in Rocksbourg. A special night. The heart of the fortress town offers a great opportunity, one I've avoided until now. I'll have to enter the area first. But inside is the Builder's Cathedral, some kind of religious complex, a bastion of the Hammerites. They resisted the Mechanists, but now the Hammers are fatigued and short of men. I want to pay them a visit before leaving town. Poor Hammers, they must collapse beneath all the money they've got. But when it comes to their money, I've always been a charitable soul...
A nightmare, all this inactivity. Darkness has fallen over Rocksbourg, and it's time to work. Garrett is back..."
This mission will work fine with DarkLoader. Just place the zip in your missions folder.
- Last update: Monday, April 20, 2020
- Genre: Action
- File size: 48.4 MB
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