The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - TK HitStop v.1.411 - Game mod - Download

The file TK HitStop v.1.411 is a modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 138.6 KB

Last Update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Downloads: 2369

Last 7 days: 1

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TK HitStop is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, created by tktk.


When the player hits an actor or an object, a “hit-stop” (a tiny pause) is added along with camera shake and blur effects. This makes weapon strikes feel more solid and heightens the sense that a hit has actually been made.

You can customize settings in MCM.

You can customize each value, of “actor” or “object” independently (read below).

TK HitStop applies the following effects when attacking:

Hit Stop : Simulates a pause in the movement of the player and the enemy. Default: 0.08 seconds.

PowerAttack Time : Adds additional time to the hit stop, camera shake, and controller vibration when hit by a power attack. Default: 0.08 seconds.

Blur Effect : Applies radial blur to the player’s camera. Default: 1.0.

Shake Camera : Shakes the player’s camera. Default: 1.0.

Shake Controller : Vibrates the controller. Default: Off.

HitBlocked: Toggle this option to apply effect when player attack is blocked. Default:On




Skyrim 1.9.32

SkyUI 3.1+

SKSE 1.7.3




Use Nexus Mod Manager to install this mod.




Use the in-game Mod Configuration Menu first to deactivate the mod in-game before deleting it.

Then save, quit the game and uninstall in your mod manager.


Known issues/bugs


If this mod does not work correctly, please save a game, and then load it again.




TK HitStop should be compatible with all other mods.

  • Last update: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 138.6 KB