The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Enderal Gameplay Overhaul – EGO v.1.81 - Game mod - Download
The file Enderal Gameplay Overhaul – EGO v.1.81 is a modification for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 944.8 KB
Last Update: Wednesday, July 20, 2022
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Enderal Gameplay Overhaul – EGO is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, created by Ixion XVII. Make sure to endorse the mod on the nexus mods page if you liked it.
Description (in author’s own words):
This is a complete overhaul of the gameplay mechanics of Enderal. This includes a ton of balance changes, improvements to the ai, new gameplay mechanics, new weapons/spells/potions and much more.
The mod is heavily inspired by older RPG's (such as Gothic, Kings Field, Baldurs Gate, etc.) and by the Skyrim Mod "Requiem". The changes made lead to a harsh and unforgiving world with more consistent and immersive gameplay.
Over 3 years in development with several hundred hours put into it
Difficulties no longer drastically change the damage multipliers and only change the damage of enemies
Fixed Problems with high damage multipliers/health on many enemies
All actions cost stamina. 70% or more stamina = damage bonus, 30% or less = damage reduction
Blocking with shields or weapons is much more efficient, heavy shield bash is now available
Heavy Armor is better but will slow the wearer and will increase mana cost for spells
Clothing/no armor increases movement speed and reduces manacost but no longer grants armor
Followers like Calia/Jespar are no longer invincible and will fall down if they would die
AI reacts better, attacks/blocks more frequently
Archers now use Arrows and will switch to melee weapons if needed
Certain creatures (like Bears and Trolls) will knockback the player with some attacks if the player isn't blocking
Undead have drastically increased armor and resistances. Added new silver weapons, silver arrows
Ghosts have drastically increased resistances. Bypass it with silver weapons or with a new consumable called "Ghost Curse"
More diversity between creatures. Some Examples:
Mud Golems (Troll Template) regenerate Health very slowly and have increased resistances
Steppe Crusher (Deer Template) are more aggressive and have a new attack pattern
Boneshredder (Vatyr Template) are slower and have increased armor, magic/poison resistances
Crystal Elementals (Frost Elemental Template) have new resistances, no longer deal frost damage in an AoE around them, removed frost FX
Spiders have different poisons (slow, paralyze or increased damage poisons) and big spiders will knock the player back
Giants, Bears, Spiders, Trolls, Mud Golems have new attack patterns
Starling Guardians use their crossbow, Starling Centurios use their steam breath
35 new Potions/Poisons and rebalanced the others (in most cases they are stronger now)
25 completely new Spells (many of them didn't even exist in Skyrim)
Manacost is drastically increased, Manacost reduction perks are now mandatory to properly cast spells
Completely rebalanced elemental spells. Some spells were just much better than others of the same rank.
Removed Secure Chests and replaced them with 3 normal chests in Ark, Riverville and Duneville
Many hints that had unimmersive or simply too much information were removed
Stealth/Pickpocketing/Lockpicking rebalanced and overall made harder
Loot is much more diverse. Animals/Creatures will drop appropriate items
Many, many other changes. More informations are below and in the changelog
1. Installing Enderal - Gameplay Overhaul
- Download the Main File
- Extract the main file into the data folder of Enderal
- Open Data Files in the Enderal Launcher
- Enable "Enderal - Gameplay Overhaul.esp"
- Ensure that "Enderal - Gameplay Overhaul.esp" is at the bottom from the list
- Additional installation steps (2, 3)
- Install Important Mods (located below)
- Read Informations
- Enjoy Enderal!
2. NPCs use ammunition and arrows hit targets even at high range
- Go to the directory: C: \Users\username\Documents\My Games\Enderal
- Open "Enderal.ini"
- Add "bForceNPCsUseAmmo = 1" under "[Combat]"
- Include "[Actor]" if it does not exist and add "fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist = 12288.0000" under "[Actor]"
- Save and Finish
3. No compass / No floating Quest markers
- Go to the directory: C: \Users\username\Documents\My Games\Enderal
- Open "EnderalPrefs.ini"
- Change "bShowCompass=1" to "bShowCompass=0"
- Change "bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1" to "bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=0"
- Save and Finish
- This mod is not fully save game compatible (many modifications work but for example enemies that you already spawned won´t have some of the changes included in the mod)
- If you still want to install the mod midgame then i highly suggest to loot everything out of your secure chest before installing. After installing the mod drop everything in your inventory, loot it again and wait 5 days indoors.
- I will not offer optional mods that remove individual functions and i will not offer modules or a MCM menu but I will gladly accept feedback.
- This mod should not cause crashes or other major issues, since no scripts are applied and everything is properly tested.
- This is a complete overhaul of the game and as such most mods will cause conflicts! Only install other gameplay altering mods if you know what you are doing!
- The recommended difficulty is adept! Every difficulty below or above, increases/decreases the enemy damage multiplier by 0.15. (Adept multiplier = 2.00)
- There is a skyrim engine bug that refreshes the vendor inventory every time you exit the game and reload your save. Simply reload after loading your save to fix this!
- If you have any more questions feel free to join the discord group: ""
- General Game mechanics:
1. Faster fights because of increased damage multipliers
2. About 10% more XP are required for a level-up
3. Movement speed adjusted
4. More falling damage
5. Carry capacity lowered (type "player.modav carryweight 100" in the console if you dont like this change)
6. Pay more and get less for items of any kind
7. Many Perks reworked and adjusted
8. Many Talents are rebalanced and all of them have more cooldown
9. Less mana/stamina regeneration, increased the in combat regeneration rate of mana/stamina
10. Stealth/Pickpocket/Lockpicking mechanics reworked
11. The weight of various items have been changed
12. Fixed a ton bugs/inconsistencies (Some of them were incorporated in Enderal Patch
13. Followers like Calia and Jespar are no longer invulnerable
14. 50% Frost resistance will prevent slow effects from frost spells (this affects NPC´s and the player)
15. 50% Poison resistance will prevent slow/paralyze effects from poisonous sources (this affects NPC´s and the player)
- AI:
1. AI reacts better, engages more often and blocks more frequently
2. Archers use ammunition (Ini tweak necessary: see installation)
3. Archers now have a melee weapon and will enter close combat with it
4. Many Creatures have new attack patterns and new improved combat AI´s
5. There are many different AI´s for enemies. For example there are 7 different AI´s only for humans.
- Combat Mechanics:
1. Less Melee Range
2. Auto-Aim disabled
3. Arrows fly faster
4. Power Attacks cost less stamina
5. Power Attacks require stamina
6. Blocking with shields/weapons is better
7. Heavy Armor is much more effective but also has some disadvantages (more manacost/slower movement, this affects NPC´s and the player)
8. Blocking/Attacking/Swimming/Aiming with Bows now costs stamina
9. At 70% or more stamina, the player gets a damage bonus
10. At 30% or less stamina, the player receives a damage reduction
11. At 5% or less stamina, the player receives a high damage reduction
12. Added the ability to do a heavy shield bash (perform a shieldbash and hold the attack button)
13. Maces have armor piercing even without perks (only affects the player)
14. Swords/Daggers have increased sneak attack damage and critical strike damage (only affects the player)
15. Axes have increased damage (only affects the player)
- Magic:
1. Each spell costs more Mana (casting is now very difficult without the corresponding Manareduction perk)
2. Manareduction perks were buffed from -30% to -35%
3. Many changes to spells such as:
- Conjured creatures remain shorter
- Cast time of many spells reworked
- Fireball/Chain Lightning/Frostwind are higher level spells
- Maximum runes number increased to 3 but manacost is increased, damage reduced and cast time increased
- Psionic spells are better
- and much more...
4. Dual casting requires 12% less mana, Dual casting for elemental spells requires 17% less mana
5. Added 22 new spells like Poisonous Touch, Fire Nova, Kinetic Nova and Calm/Fear Rune
6. All robes and circlets have 0 armor and no longer fall into the category Light armor but are enchanted
7. Completely rebalanced elemental spells (for more infos look in the changes tab and look for Patch 1.35)
- Creatures:
1. Creatures of the same race support each other in fights
2. Many creatures, mages and bosses now have more spells available
3. Reduced melee range on some creatures
4. Some enemy poisons now paralyze/slow
5. Creature/Animal loot revised and made more realistic/believable
6. Some creatures will knock the player down with some of their attacks
7. Many creatures have Poison Resistance
8. Undead are more resistant. Fight them with silver, non-frost spells or the appropriate weapon type
9. Some undead carry a shield
10. Ghosts have drastically increased resistances. Bypass it with silver weapons or with a new consumable called "Ghost Curse"
11. Mud Elementals now have more resistances and have a very slow health regeneration
12. Melee weapons from Arps and Tomb Guardians are poisonous
13. Trolls regenerate more life but have reduced fire resistance
14. Starling Guardians are able to shoot with their Crossbows
15. Spider size rescaled, Big Spiders can knockback the player, different poisons for different spiders (sand spiders paralyze, frost spiders slow)
16. Giants, Spiders, Trolls, Bears have new attack patterns
17. Skeletons have 25% arrow resistance (except for silver arrows)
18. Steppe Crusher are more aggressive and have a new attack pattern
19. Boneshredder are slower and have increased armor, magic/poison resistances
20. Crystal Elementals have new resistances, no longer deal frost damage in an AoE around them, removed frost FX
21. All main quest enemies have more appropriate (higher) levels and stats
22. Increased the variety of weapons that enemies use
23. Fixed the damage of many creatures that had insane multipliers. Sometimes this only applied to certain attacks.
24. Some creatures such as Pus Beetles, Crabs, Starling Machines, Frost Elementals have armor
25. A ton of small little tweaks here and there
- Food:
1. No Instant healing from food anymore
2. Food heals less health over time
3. Food has more diverse effects
4. Raw meat reduces stamina regeneration
5. Food doesn´t stack anymore
- Potions:
1. Mana and stamina potions increase Arcane Feaver (stamina half less than health potions)
2. Health and stamina potions last longer and have less effect (approximately same effect)
3. Poisons have been completely revised and 10 were added
4. Potions have been completely revised and 24 were added
5. Potions made with Alchemy are better
6. Many potions/poisons are better
7. Potions don´t stack anymore
- Miscellaneous:
1. Loot completely overhauled (more loot and much more variety)
2. Vendors have more items and many items are earlier available
3. Rhetoric effectiveness on prices reduced
4. Endralean penny and lockpicks have weight
5. Crimes will be punished more severely
6. Reduces the distance at which the AI pass on crimes
7. Diseases have stronger effects
8. Teleport scrolls are more expensive
9. Books that increase your skills cost less
10. Horses run away in combat
11. Removed loading screens with no longer needed information, added loading screens with information on new mechanics
IMPORTANT MODS: - Ihud - Configurable Hud, disable crosshair / enemy indicator, etc.
Crosshair only "when looking at activatable"
disable "Stealth Indicator" - Faster Faster get up - This mod is necessary because you will get knocked down with this mod
RECOMMENDED MODS: - You can see your body in the 1st person view and each animation is played in 1st person - Carry more than one ring (2 rings / 1 amulet recommended) - Animated potions and poisons - Menus don´t pause the game (Turn off pause when using books or don't use blueprint container) - Rune weapon (Orcish weapon template) replacer
Bethesda - for Skyrim
SureAI - for Enderal
- Last update: Wednesday, July 20, 2022
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 944.8 KB