Mount & Blade: Warband - The American Civil War Mod: Revived! v.2.0 - Game mod - Download

The file The American Civil War Mod: Revived! v.2.0 is a modification for Mount & Blade: Warband, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 1102.2 MB

Last Update: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Downloads: 3793

Last 7 days: 8

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The American Civil War Mod: Revived! Is a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband, created by King85

Description (in author’s own words):

Hello and welcome to the American Civil War Mod: Revived! Some of you who have been following modding in Mount and Blade for a while might remember an old civil war mod called, "A House Divided", and I did a bit of work for the team under the same name I am using here, King85. My computer crashed a few years ago, and I lost everything, so for a while I had forgotten about the mod. But recently, I found a working copy of the mod on the internet, and from there, I began working to completely revamp the mod as best as I could, to make it look and feel a bit more in line with the civil war time period, and fix a lot of the old problems the mod had. Not everything is completely perfect, but it really is a significant difference from before. I am not exactly a very skilled or experienced modder, I actually learned a lot through this process of making this new and revived version of the mod. I welcome and encourage the community to provide their experience and help in building a better mod. You can read the changelog below and the one attached to the latest version of the mod to see everything that is different now.

A great deal of thanks is due to all the guys who contributed their work in the past, as well as those who have graciously provided their assistance since the mod has come back to active development; Matsuri5, Helm8000, ??????, Kawooz_Mirza, pizzaman6, UwU_XD, the Blood and Iron team, Tasmit, Hinkel, Poomtang, Azrooh, Tessius, Durnius, Gabrilduro, and Dellivils being just some of those who've made this possible. Thanks to the help from the amazing community here, I have been able to include some new features in the mod, like advanced formations and fire orders, and successfully address many of the major bugs that came with the first release. This has been a fun hobby for me and a work of love for the game, for the history, and for the gaming community, who I hope will enjoy playing this mod as much as I enjoyed improving it and putting it back out there for the world.

Thanks to Pope_Innocent_III, the mod now has it's own discord! You can find it here:

To install:

Extract into „…MountBlade Warband\Modules” and activate in launcher.

Tips for Playing the Mod:

The gameplay of the mod is best suited to playing as a commander, because there is no option to enlist with a general as a regular soldier. I edited the dialogue of entering into a mercenary contract to instead be enlisting with a general as a lower ranking officer, such as a captain, and you raise a company of soldiers to fight in the war for either the Union or Confederate army. If you do not wish to do that, you can also just recruit soldiers, build an army, and then start fighting whichever side you choose to fight against. Keep attacking enemy parties and eventually you will be offered a "promotion", or you can request one from the highest ranking general.

I recommend that you have cheat mode activated. You will most likely need the ability to teleport on the world map.

Some of the randomly generated maps are honestly terrible. If you start a battle and the map is trash, I recommend using the cheat mode to teleport, let the enemy go a little bit, and teleport back to them, so a new map will generate. You can also press tab immediately to retreat from the battle without taking any casualties, then go into battle again, and the map will change.

SAVE OFTEN! Especially before combat! When you are knocked out, even if nobody goes down except for yourself, you will see in the casualty report that half the party or more is dead or wounded. Getting knocked out is basically a disaster every time, so you will want those saves to start over your battles when you lose.

Combat is deadly! Being shot once is enough to kill you, or take away the vast majority of your health. Be careful with your life.

Sometimes there is a bullet with your name on it, and you will be shot seemingly out of nowhere. Sharpshooters can be particularly annoying sometimes, but they wouldn't be sharpshooters if they weren't accurate at a distance. They are not so accurate as to be perfect shots, but if anyone is going to hit you from long range, it will probably be one of them. So once more, I would strongly recommend that you save before combat, just in case you are shot, because it really can be a nuisance to be enjoying the battle and doing well, only to be sniped out of nowhere.

Skirmishers, marksmen, and sharpshooters are the most accurate riflemen available to both sides. They are good to have spread out in front of your main battle line as a screening force. They are best suited for long range combat and are vulnerable to cavalry if left unprotected.

Survival requires skillful use of soldiers lives. Keep them alive, and use cover. You can have them shoot over a hill and bring them back behind it to reload, for example. Keeping men in the open is generally a bad idea.

Do not rush out blindly into combat, you WILL be shot. Strategy has a key role in this mod. Blindly charging enemy lines is not going to work.

Maneuver and flanking are highly advantageous. If you can get your battle line close to the enemy, and are able to open fire on them before taking many casualties yourself (preferably none), you will devastate their lines.

Ammunition is not unlimited and that goes for both you and the enemy. It might seem like the shooting can go on forever, but watch, eventually the men run out of ammo and will go into melee mode. Soldier's use the historically correct amounts of ammunition. Infantry have 40 cartridges, carbine equipped cavalry have 60. The extra 20 rounds are representative of how historically, cavalry troopers would stuff extra bullets into their pockets and saddle bags.

Do not underestimate the power of cavalry, but do not overestimate them either. A skillful cavalry commander can lead his troopers on the flanks and behind the enemy, to harass their lines with his men's revolvers and carbines. If executed well, a cavalry charge can also wreak havoc on the enemy.

Cavalry are highly mobile and versatile, however, they are just as vulnerable to enemy fire as soldiers fighting on foot, and if their horse is killed or wounded under them while they are far from friendly lines, they face a very slim chance of survival.

A cavalry charge made head on, directly into enemy lines, will usually end in disaster. Charge from the flanks or behind, and when the enemy's focus is not on you.

Be mindful of splitting your forces and moving units without support. The enemy can attack at any moment, especially if they sense an advantage or that they are in a bad position. Separated units can easily be cut off and surrounded by cavalry.

Cavalry charges can be devastating for you and your men if you are unprepared. Always take into account the composition of the enemy's army, and respond accordingly. Use terrain to your advantage; high ground and dense woods will break the momentum of cavalry charges and make it easier for your men to pick off the riders. Remember, your men wear no armor, a solid cut from a cavalryman's saber will most likely be certain death. Keep the men close together, and when the enemy cavalry gets too close, switch to melee only so your men are not reloading while they are being attacked.

As your men progress and gain experience, the weapons they are equipped with will change as well. Militia units start off with low quality rifles and smoothbore muskets. Confederate militia even use the Springfield 1816, a flintlock musket, in their desperation to arm all their soldiers. Confederate infantry soldiers use lower quality weapons for longer than Union infantry, but eventually are fully equipped with quality rifles, either those manufactured by the Confederacy, imported from abroad, or captured from the Union. Union soldiers have more standardized, quality equipment from early on, and have greater access to repeating and breech loading weaponry.

Confederate mounted infantry start off at an advantage to their Union counterparts, being better horsemen and having access to better weapons. However, this advantage quickly changes as Union cavalrymen soon ditch their muzzle loaders for breech loading carbines. Confederate mounted infantry will eventually discard some of the lower quality equipment, but never have exclusively breech loading weapons, and have no access to repeaters. The best they have are Sharps Carbines that are only equipped at random by a handful of troopers.

Breech loading carbines can be used on horseback, while muzzle loaders can not, giving experienced Union mounted infantry another advantage over their Confederate counterparts.

Spencer repeating carbines are only given at random to battle hardened Union mounted infantry, due to the fact that they can fire 7 rounds before reloading, compared to all the other breach loaders that fire one. Too many Spencers would be too unbalanced against the Confederacy, and historically, the Spencer was only used later into the war and it was, I believe the fourth most popular, behind the Sharps, Smith, and Burnside Carbines.

Union sharpshooters are equipped with Sharps rifles at random, as well as the best rifle muskets available, making them a formidable ranged unit that is capable of putting down effective fire from a distance. Confederate sharpshooters have access to some of the best rifle muskets as well as Whitworth rifles, including some with telescopic sights mounted on them, making them an accurate and deadly unit at long ranges.

Volunteer and Regular units come with both a regimental and national flag bearer, and with the addition of new flags, the generic units can plausibly represent most of the units that are associated with the flags. Most of the units who carried the available flags wore uniforms that were not dissimilar to the ones the units already use, so it does not cause one to have to use their own imagination to fill in the gaps very much.

The unique infantry units have their own flag bearers as well, that carry the proper regimental and national colors that that regiment carried historically. This helps to create separate Stonewall Brigade, or 20th Maine, or zouave units, for example, with their own battle flags that clearly distinguish them on the battlefield and make them look and feel like a proper infantry unit.

Flag bearers and officers can be found at the end of the infantry upgrade tree. I recommend using the cheat mode to upgrade 3 soldiers from the unit(s) of your choice to be the two flag bearers that carry the regimental and national colors, and the one officer. That way you can enjoy them right away, without having to go through the whole upgrade tree. Also, since the flag bearers don't really get involved in combat because they lack weapons, they will not upgrade to officers on their own, so you will need to use cheat mode to get new officers.

You can equip one of your companions with a horse, give them officer's equipment, and assign them to an infantry unit, and they will follow along the side of it, simulating a subordinate officer under your command, leading the unit.

  • Last update: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
  • Genre: RPG
  • File size: 1102.2 MB