Mount & Blade: Warband - Renaissance v.18102018 - Game mod - Download
The file Renaissance v.18102018 is a modification for Mount & Blade: Warband, a(n) rpg game. Download for free.
File Type: Game mod
File Size: 1891.6 MB
Last Update: Thursday, August 22, 2019
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Renaissance is a mod for Mount & Blade: Warband, created by zedpaolo.
Description (in author’s own words):
A Mod about the Italian Renaissance period. It takes place at the end of AD 1503, after the death of pope Borgia Alexander VI. His son Cesare Borgia and pope Giulio II are strong enemies, the Italian land is divided into several minor states and its wealth is attracting powerful foreign nations like France, Spain and the HRE.
Finally a mod for all the people who love that period of history, and it is as accurate and polished as possible.
Using Hispania 1200 as strong base, it lets you choose if starting as ruler of one of the 15 factions or forging your destiny by your hands.
Historical period: AD 1503
-15 Factions:
Ducato di Ferrara
Principato di Romagna (Cesare Borgia)
Repubblica di Venezia
Ducato di Milano
Repubblica di Firenze
Signoria di Siena
Repubblica di Genova
Royame de France
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Hungary
Ottoman Empire
Regno di Napoli
Stato della Chiesa
Reino de Espana
Ducato di Savoia
-Historical characters and lords
-Player can choose if to start the campaign as the really existed ruler of one of these nations
-Sea travelling
-New flapping banner taking into account "the law of gravity " (see the video and you will see the banner moving down during a charge)
-Hundreds of new Items
-The flag of the ruler is the flag of every vassal (also for the player)
-New Icons for each faction's party depending on the size of the army (less than 180 men, more than 180)
-New Fleet Icons for each faction's party (and Player's vassals) depending on the size of the army (less than 100 men, more than 100)
-Special icons for player's party depending on the size of the army: ON LAND player alone, less than 60 men, between 60 and 150, more than 150. ON THE SEA player alone, less than 70 men, between 70 and 150, more than 150.
-A big fancy new map of the area of interest
-Voice and order sounds
-Yell of victory of the soldiers in different languages related of the nation of the troops
-New companions and new mercenaries
-New troops for each faction
-When the player is ruler, he can change his lords' equipment and upgrade their skills
-New interiors of Towns and Castles
and many other features...
Playing as a Ruler:
If you start the campaign as a ruler remember to assign fiefs to lords who don't have or you will lose relation points.
If you declare war without provocation some lords will lose relation points for 3-4 days, so… plan it well!!
Now ai lords will defect from ai factions if they have no fief and awful relation with their leader (-99) and lords without a fief lose progressively relation with their liege. Still there will be no indictment of treason. This way campaigns are more dynamic and the loss of lords wouldn't mean a loss of fiefs for a faction.
Once you are a king you can:
- Talk to your minister by camp menu
- Change your Lords equipment and update their skills
- Your banner will become the banner of all your lords (it takes three in game days to have effect)
- Change your faction troops' culture , choosing one of the already existing factions or a special player culture troop tree with customizable equipment and name (Thanks to MitchellD who implemented part of his Custom Troop Tree in this mod).
To be able to customize talk to your minister. You should customize three levels of troops (Castle, Town and Village), the amount of money for the items depends on the level of the troop. Left click to select and right click to remove items. Then change the name, if you want, for the single troop and press Save. If the balance is negative you can't save so remove or change some items. You can also give a prefix to all your troops or remove it (the default is "Custom").
To see the full troop tree of your custom troops you can use the troops tree in Camp Menu. Remember that to see the customize screen you must be in a town or castle (if you are talking to your minister by Camp Menu you must exit the taking and enter whatever town or castle).
Changing culture takes three in game days to have effect , but more time for the lords because they will keep the troops already in the party until they lose them in battle.
Already in Hispania 1200 features here maintained:
-Report screen, troop tree screen, political map
-Three layers of recruitment: village, town, castle
-Special animations
-Freelancer (thewanderingknight's patch for Hispania 1200)
-In order to play is convenient to know the following points:
BATTLE: In battles, the AI will change formations depending on the composition of your army. You can do six different formations by pressing F9, F10 and F11. Each one of this keys has two formations. If you press the key once, formation A will be selected, and if you press the key one more time, formation B will be selected. To confirm the formation, press F8. After pressing F8, your army will mobilize to make the selected formation. If you press F8 once, your units will stay with that formation, and if you press F8 one more time, they'll follow you using the selected formation. Warning: If you press the normal keys to follow or hold, your troops will get disorganized. Also, if your army is in formation and you want to move your chivalry (for example), selecting it will not dissolve the formation. This doesn't work on sieges.
If you press 'I' while in battle, a bar will appear on the top-left corner, showing the number of soldiers on each side.
If a leader is defeated in battle, the moral of the army will decrease.
If you press 'N' when your mount is near, it will come to you.
If you press 'M', you will make a battle cry.
It's possible to bet in taverns, but only once every 6 hours.
If you are a ruler you can talk to your minister, for it camping, click on 'Take up an action' and see the action. This simulates the ability to send letters of rulerss activity performed almost daily.
- Minstrels
Extra features:
Special ability for the Claymore sword: pressing x while in battle, you hold it for the blade and you can knock down enemies without killing them... do it just if you wear steel gloves or you can cut your hands!
Animated Horses in city centres (AndyYa codes)
You can bet more money in tournaments and you earn more money as mercenary.
Book of training is changed to book of pathfinding
-You can choose among 4 languages to give orders to your troops:
ITALIAN (default and the richest), ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH. To change the language, just copy the "sounds.txt" file from the chosen language in the "Voice_orders_to_change" folderand paste in the Renaissance main folder (overwrite)
Some explanations about items:
As you can see, many shields don’t appair on the back of the soldiers: this is because they are mainly meant to be used with lances during charges. The most common weapons in this period are two hand weapons and polearms and shield weren’t really used anymore. To prevent to see every knight with a shield on the back (which in my opinion would look awful) they are not visible if not used.
There are many items, armours, helm, etc. they are often quite rare to be found in market places and often some of them can be found just in some faction (eg Hre shields or banner just in Hre market)
It is a final version.
There will be some adjustments as bugs or other minor stuff but I will not add any new feature.
This patch fixes campaign ai behavior on the big map of Renaissance making the game more dynamic on the east part too.
It also changes freelance part so that the troop tree is related to character background, it adds some castles and villages and it fixes other minor stuff.
Hispania 1200 ( by El Xabeo de la Cova, JBL, permission by mikeboix), Knights the Last Battle (permission by Fuwa), Custom Troop Tree (by MitchellD), Sands of Faith (thewanderingknight), Rus 13th Century: Way of the Warrior (Janycz), 16th century: the Northern Hemisphere (permission by Yifeng konjac), Osp bogmir_items, Osp Flintlock Weapons, Osp LongBardedWarhorse, Osp maws shields, Osp Narf's Transitional armour pack, Osp Narf's Plate Armour Pack WB,Osp almansur_icons, Osp PlatedCharger, Osp spak items, Open Source Project - Weapons, Osp mackie weapons, Osp Jan Tuma´s Sturmhaube helmets, Osp Ultimate 17th Century, Osp men at arms v2.1, Osp luc weapons pack III updated II, Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth 1_16A, 1429 la Guerre de Cent Ans Enhanced, campaign_ai_fix, Brytenwalda, AndyYa, Hoboistice, Baraban, Jaakko Osp Models, Bsapaka Osp Animations, Papa Lazoarou Anim Osp , Antonino Grasso Cristaudo
Many credits may be missing because they are already inside the mods up here. Please send me a message if you see something you want to be pointed out in the credit session.
To install:
Extract into „...MountBlade Warband\Modules” and activate in game’s client.
- Last update: Thursday, August 22, 2019
- Genre: RPG
- File size: 1891.6 MB