Doom II: Hell on Earth - Legend of Doom v.1.0.3 - Game mod - Download

The file Legend of Doom v.1.0.3 is a modification for Doom II: Hell on Earth, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 7 MB

Last Update: Thursday, December 2, 2021

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Legend of Doom is a mod for Doom II, created by DeTwelve

Description (in author’s own words):

The Legend of Doom


A total conversion by DeTwelve

### About

This conversion aims to faithfully bring the original NES land of Hyrule to life in the GZDoom engine.

The DOOM and Zelda games have been huge sources of influence and inspiration for me personally. Now adays I find the fandoms and creator communities that have grown up with these franchises equally inspiring. I have long held dreams to see this world realized in 3D and to create a DOOM mod. This is my first project and I had a great time learning ZScript and the basics of how to develop something for the GZDoom engine.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to this community with your code, art, effort, and encouragement.

### Notes, Differences, and Known Issues

- Weapons are single wielded so you can't use the boomerang and sword at the same time for example.

- Secret walls can be opened with any hit, you don't have to use bombs. This is intentional with the logic being that it'd make testing easier and the game more accessible in general. I could be convinced to "fix" this, but for now I'm fine leaving it as is.

- Secret walls in the overworld have their textures scaled a little differently making them easy to spot. My thinking being that most people don't have the map memorized and it would help them; especially since...

- The "F1" help screen for dungeons will bring up complete dungeon maps provided with permission by Unfortunately the overworld map is huge with an super wide aspect ratio and I so far haven't found how to make it fit/scale in a way that makes it legible.

- Heart health display shows in quarter units. The actual values you receive match the original, but now if you have the silver or red ring you will start to see quarter hearts. In the original those hits would register behind the scenes and the heart graphic in the HUD would change on the 2nd hit.

- You can use the bow and arrow immediately upon picking up the Bow. No need to buy arrows separately from the store.

- A couple of sounds are different or not from the NES Zelda.

- The skybox art is an unused asset from Wind Waker.

- Monster art. There are some pretty obvious limitations that come along with using the original assets. While it works surprisingly well to use the front, side, and back views only, having the diagonal views would be ideal. My art skills aren't up to creating those. Voxel models would be another alternative, but is probably outside the scope of what I'm willing to commit to creating.

- Weapon art. Same situation as the monsters. I tried to do a sword and wand that look a bit more like their 8-bit counterparts, but it turned out awful. I'd be willing to accept any contributions if someone feels like they can make quality versions that more closely resemble the originals.

### Requirements

The latest version of GZDoom.

Doom 2 iWad is preferred, but it should also work with Doom 1 or the FreeDoom iWads.

### Recommended Settings

Display Options -> Texture Options -> Texture Filter mode: None

With texture filtering on, everything looks super blurry.

Automap Options -> Enable textured display: Yes

The textured automap is pretty cool with this mod, especially in the overworld.

It is unlikely that this will work well with other mods.

### Acknowledgements

Exkodius - for his inspirational work, kindly letting me use the Octorock sprites from Zelda TC, and helpful suggestions on menu improvements.

Zoskiacu - for their work on Legend of Zeldoom. This helped inform decisions surrounding world scale.

Kizoky - for posting and allowing me to use their Eater of Worlds code for Moldorm and Lanmola.

Dude27th - for testing and helpful suggestions.

Amuscaria,XaserAcheron - for the sword and shield assets

Evil Space Tomato - for the wand submitted to Realm667

Gothic - for the bow and arrows submitted to Realm667

HideousDestructor mod for weapons switching technique

Apeirogon - for contributing a solution to getting sector tags on the zdoom forums.

Jarewill - for posting boomerange projectile example on the forums.

[Dante Augustus Scarlatti]( - for editing the trailer.

[FalKKonE]( - for permission to use their music in the trailer.

[nesmaps]( - for permission to use thier maps as the F1 help screens.

GZDoom Discord - thanks to everyone who frequents the scripting channels on Discord. Though I didn't get into too many conversations, it's incredibly helpful starting out just to follow along.

### Creator Support

Personally, I am a big fan of tools that enable fans to directly support content creators. If I could find a mechanism to do so, I made it a point to contribute something to everyone whose effort had a helpful or inspiring influence on this project.

With that said, if you like this project and are able please consider 'buying me a coffee'.

Below are support links for other creators who have helped either directly or indirectly. Please consider checking out their work as well.

These NES maps were instrumental in recreating the world and Rick has kindly given permission to distribute these maps along with this mod so they can be the "F1" help screens.

Thanks for testing and giving some feedback, Dude. Also, everyone should check out his [Zombies Ate My Neighbors TC](

From the perspective of someone who was brand new to the community, I found it very helpful to have an organized repository of assets. Only the wand and bow from the weapons category made it into the final version, but early on I was checking out a lot of mods from the bestiary here.

  • Last update: Thursday, December 2, 2021
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 7 MB