Doom II: Hell on Earth - Crazystation - The Anti-Doom 4 v.0.2 - Game mod - Download

The file Crazystation - The Anti-Doom 4 v.0.2 is a modification for Doom II: Hell on Earth, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 265.6 MB

Last Update: Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Downloads: 262

Last 7 days: 0

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Crazystation - The Anti-Doom 4 is a mod for Doom II, created by rabidrage.

Description (in author’s own words):

This is a heavily modified version of Computer Station, with the rest of the WAD (for now) being JagDoom levels, and a mod that takes from just about every major mod that has come before it, mixing and matching details to combine the best of Doom. The idea is to shoot for a great-looking game that can eventually be better than Doom 4. It's a project that might never be finished, but I'm gonna make sure it's always improving. The credits have yet to be finished, as there are a lot of people who deserve to be mentioned. Be advised that I am working on that, and this project is still very much an alpha.

To run this mod use ZDoom.

  • Last update: Wednesday, September 25, 2019
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 265.6 MB