Doom II: Hell on Earth - Bastion of Chaos v.0.92 - Game mod - Download

The file Bastion of Chaos v.0.92 is a modification for Doom II: Hell on Earth, a(n) action game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 41.3 MB

Last Update: Sunday, August 2, 2020

Downloads: 326

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Bastion of Chaos is a mod for Doom II, created by Bridgeburner56.

Description (in authors’ own words):

Presenting Bastion of Chaos, a massive, gothic monstrosity of a udmf map for gzdoom using Otex.

Play revolves largely around set pieces with the encounters starting off as tight affairs and then building to epic slaughter fights. BUT there should be something for everyone here as difficulty settings have been implemented and well tested. All difficulties have been balanced to provide a similar experience which has been tailored to various skill levels. This is an epic slaughter map for all. Feedback has indicated that I have achieved this balance. The ingame play time is 90 - 120 minutes across all difficulties.

Jumping, crouching and freelook are intended/encouraged but not necessary to beat the map. There is currently one secret that you need jumping for.

UV - For masochists only. Ammo is tight and carefully placed. Mistakes will be punished, demons are plentiful and endurance will be required. Recommended for experienced slaughter players. Tested by Nevanos, Dubzzz, NoReason, Insane Gazebo, Nirvana and Vortale

HMP - Similar in fight scope to UV but has had the nastier elements smoothed out. A bit more ammo and health and easier to grab in a tough fight, HMP should still be a good challenge to most players without requiring as much precision and endurance as UV. Tested by Aurelius, Ronnie James Diner

HNTR - Further slight reductions and changes in monster composition and more generous ammo/health makes HNTR fairly accessible. Will still challenge players but mistakes are not run ending and power weapons are more spammable. Tested by Phobus, Major Arlene, Terminus, DMPhobos, Bauul, Captain Caleb, Jimothy Padlock

ITYTD - Has the same enemy and item placement as HNTR but the half damage and double ammo mean that this is a much more relaxed playthrough. Good for those who are not experienced with slaughter or want more of a power trip filled romp. Tested by Liberation, Boris

I’d recommend HMP or HNTR for most players based on the feedback and testing so far.


In no particular order thanks to:

Primeval for the absolutely epic music. The icing on the cake. Link to the full map track

Ukiro for the continuingly inspiring Otex texture pack.

Insane Gazebo, Major Arlene and TheMisterCat for the stunning titlepic and other graphics.

My hardworking testing team. This map wouldn’t be at this point without your input.

Everyone who has given me feedback, shouted encouragement, watched me on twitch and otherwise been there. You keep me going.

Boris for putting up with my demands and making the best editor known to humankind.

Major Arlene for keeping me moving forward.

If I’ve missed someone I apologise. Please let me know if I’ve left you out.

Archviles. You know what you did.

‘Required’ specs

Unfortunately this map requires a decent rig to be able to play. I think the lowest end GPU that this has been tested on so far is a 1050. I have made a custom version of the standard lights.pk3 file that has removed lights from monster and player projectiles so IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO PLAY THIS WITH LIGHTS.PK3 LOADED. I have played the map through with lights.pk3 loaded but it gave my RTX 2070 Super a workout in a couple of areas.

But good news! (hopefully). I will be making a ‘low spec build’ for this. You will still need a fairly good rig as the map is 120k+ lines but I will be putting together what should be a version able to be played on a wider range of machines. I haven’t made these changes yet as I want to implement any bug fixes/feedback first so I’m not editing two versions of the same map because that will definitely lead to fuck ups.

To run this use ZDoom.

  • Last update: Sunday, August 2, 2020
  • Genre: Action
  • File size: 41.3 MB