BattleTech - dZ Consolidated Company Commander Mod Pack v.10.5 - Game mod - Download

The file dZ Consolidated Company Commander Mod Pack v.10.5 is a modification for BattleTech, a(n) strategy game. Download for free.


File Type: Game mod

File Size: 7.9 MB

Last Update: Sunday, October 6, 2019

Downloads: 458

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dZ Consolidated Company Commander Mod Pack is a mod for BattleTech, created by don Zappo

Description (in author’s own words)

This mod attempts to make the game more challenging and make you have to balance broken mechs and injured pilots while struggling to keep your finances afloat! Have you ever dropped with a half-broken mech with a rookie pilot in it? Well, now you have to if you want to keep the debt collectors at bay. Adds mech/vehicle variety and weapons balance.

There have been multiple requests for a consolidated ModPack incorporating a lot of interesting changes and making sure that they integrate well together. The goal of this project is to accomplish just that! This ModPack takes a number of popular mods and combines them seamlessly - it endeavors to be a one stop shop for users that will contain the most updated mods from multiple users. It also adjusts values when necessary and modifies .json files to make sure they all play well together and support each other well.

Most notably, this ModPack is a community effort! Please suggest features and mods to be added and feel free to jump in with ideas or to help out.

The goal of this ModPack:?

This ModPack attempts to make you feel like you are in charge of an entire company of mechs instead of just controlling a 4-6 mechs and pilots. It attempts to adhere to the vanilla feel of the game when possible while forcing you to make difficult financial and mech choices along the way. It makes you have to drop with partially repaired mechs, have multiple pilots ready to go into battle at any time, and makes you have to take a careful look at your finances.

Also added are a number of game balance options along with some really awesome, lore appropriate, mech and vehicle diversity!

Major Gameplay Changes?

Cosmetic and Gameplay Notes

Mech movement speed increased by 1.5x. They do not move further, they just get their slightly faster.

The introductory missions and opening cinematic are skipped and you start the campaign in Detroit in your Leopard. NOTE: This mod causes a strange error when the game starts. You must save your game and reload or else you cannot drop with your main pilot.

Due to some funny math with MechTech calculations I ended up multiplying all MechTech values by 1,000. The values are still the same, but now everything works properly!

Many new LORE AND TIME APPROPRIATE mechs and vehicles added to stores and campaigns. These are utilized by the AI. See JK_Variants in the mod list up above very more information.

Company Commander

In order to ensure that you need more mechs and pilots throughout the game and feel more like you are in charge of a Company of mechs and pilots changes have been made to make you utilize more mechs and pilots throughout the course of the campaign. It also endeavors to make acquiring new mechs more rewarding and increase (slightly) the difficulty and excitement of early game.

New starting Mechs

Now you start with a randomized assortment of mechs. 5 light mechs, and 1 medium mech (45 tons or less)

Mech Tech and Med Tech

Starting Med Tech skill from 6 to 4.

Starting Mech Tech skill at 5000.

Can now repair mechs simultaneously. You get one mech under repair per MechBay Pod. (1 to start, 3 if fully upgraded). There is a tiered repair system. 100% repair value for first mech, 75% for second mech, and 50% for third mech.

Repairing times take longer.

Mechs heavier than 60 tons take more time.

MedTech Skill upgrades set to 1, except the hospital which is set to 2

MechTech Skill for Mech Bay 1 set to 0 (from 2)

MechTech Skill for Mech Bay 2 set to 0 (from 3)

MechTech Skill upgrades for Machine Shop and Refit Harness set to 1 (from 2)

MechTech Skill upgrades for Automation 2 set to 2 (from 3)

Mech operation costs are based on mech value.

Mech drop costs added. Costs based on mech tonnage. You get 150 tons free to drop with at no cost.

Mech repair cost and time is based on mech tonnage.


Major financial overhaul to events, maintenance, and upgrade costs. Things have been made more expensive as finances in the campaign were a non-issue.

Gameplay Changes


Juggernaut is now 5 point skill. At Guts 8 it confers brace to the mech after a melee attack.

Bulwark is now 8 point skill

Gunnery skill accuracy decreased from 2.5% to 2.0%

Gunnery gives -1 refire penalty at 6 and -2 refire penalty at 10.

Piloting skills add 2% stability defense.

Called shot nerfed.

Base Called Shot set at 33% chance to hit location.

Improved Called Shot set at 50% chance to hit location.

Called Shot Mastery set at 67.5% chance to hit location.

Mechs now have semi-permanent evasion pips depending on their maximum walking speed. 5/4/4/4/3/2 evasion pips kept for 210/190/165/140/120/95 speed. 40% to keep the pips when shot at.

Ace Pilot now gives +1 semi-permanent evasion and +20% to keep the pips when shot at.

Tactics now gives a to-hit buff for minimum range attacks instead of a minimum range reduction (-2/-4)

Tactics has +1 morale per turn at level 7 and an additional +1 per turn at level 10.

Tactics 6 removes the to-hit penalty for moving.

Tactics 9 removes the to-hit penalty for jumping.


Removed Story Difficulty Boosts (would have a global increase per story mission completed)

Base system difficulty changes

Maximum Contracts Per System increased to 6 (3)

Contract Renewal Per Week increased to 2 (0.5)

Default Contract Refresh Rate decreased to 7 (30)

Contract Variance increased to 4 (1)

You now gain or lose MechTechSkill and MedTechSkill based upon your funding level. -2/-1/0/+1/+2. This change is temporary for the entire month.

You now gain or lose Morale based upon your funding level. -10/-5/0/+5/+10. This change is temporary for the entire month.


For every 10,000 XP a pilot earns they receive 10% less XP in the future. This change encourages pilot specialization and makes it hard to acquire all of the skills. This makes high level pilots much more valuable.

Pilot XP is capped at 60,000. For example, this allows: 8-8-8-8 or 10-10-4-4 or 10-8-8-5

Pilot Fatigue System

Now after every mission your pilots that participated are now fatigued. They are out for the following time (default values used):

-Time Out = 7 - Guts/2 - Morale threshold

-Morale threshold: +-1 for +-5 morale from Starting Morale Value, +-2 for +-15 from start

-1 point piloting, tactics, and gunnery lost for every 2 days of fatigue, rounded up.

-Chance to resist a light injury = guts * 10%

Once Fatigued, this pilot can still be used during this period. However, if they are used they will have the possibility of suffering on "Light Injury." This converts their Fatigue time directly to injury time. They have a chance to resist this based upon their Guts Value (10% x Guts Value).

Mech Changes


5 parts of mech salvage required for a complete mech.

Can combine variants and give you a mech chassis of base type. This variant will be randomly selected among the variants of that chassis you possess.

Mechs (yours and AI's) now get destroyed and leave behind salvage.

Number of salvage is now based the number of parts destroyed

50% chance to lose your own mech with a CT loss or head loss. If lost CT - one piece of salvage returned. With lost head - 3 parts of salvage returned (full mech).

Salvage from your own mechs will not take up a salvage spot on the end-mission screen. Parts are automatically injected into your inventory.

Combat Changes

Stability Changes

Stability has been changed to 90 + 0.5 x Mech tonnage. These changes help to reign in the overpowered nature of stability damage in the vanilla game and to go along with other stability changes in this mod. Examples:

Atlas 90 + 50 = 145 stab HP.

Locust 90 + 10 = 100 stab HP.

Weapons Balance

See this thread for all weapons balance information:

Improved Evasion, To Hit Adjustments, and Morale Adjustments:

All evasion pips are now easier to get (Any movement will give you at least 1 pip):

Hitting targets in cover/obstructed is now slightly harder: increased penalty from 2 to 3

To hit penalties for mechs increased:

"ToHitAssault": 0, (from 0)

"ToHitHeavy": 1, (from 0)

"ToHitMedium": 3, (from 1)

"ToHitLight": 3, (from 2)

To hit penalties for vehicles increased:

"ToHitVehicleAssault": 0, (from 0)

"ToHitVehicleHeavy": 0, (from 0)

"ToHitVehicleMedium": 1, (from 0)

"ToHitVehicleLight": 2, (from 0)

Morale abilities are more expensive:

"OffensivePushCost": 30,

"OffensivePushLowMoraleCost": 45,

"OffensivePushHighMoraleCost": 15,

"DefensivePushCost": 30,

"DefensivePushLowMoraleCost": 45,

"DefensivePushHighMoraleCost": 15,

Morale level of 35 (70%) required for Inspired.

All mechs have +1 modifier for moving before shooting.

All mechs have +2 modifier for jumping before shooting. This is additive with the moving penalty.

Misc. Combat

AI can be inspired

Pilots get -5% to stability per injury.

AI crit chance increased from 0.2 to 1 - just like the player.

Increased sensor and spotter range

Base Spotter distance = 400 (from 300)

Base sensor distance = 500 (from 400)

AI Combat improvements.

Basic Panic System

There are four states for a pilot to be in: Normal, Fatigued, Stressed, and Panicked.

Every time a pilot has their mech take an attack, they roll for panic. This roll is increased in strength by how powerful the attack was, where it hit, how damaged the pilot's mech is in terms of armour and structure, is the rest of their lance dead or gone, etc. It is decreased by a pilot's tactics and guts scores, and their team's morale.

If this roll succeeds, they are then knocked down to the next lower state. Once they hit Panicked, they then start rolling for ejection chances. This is affected by the same things as mentioned above.

By default, pilots can only get worse in panic states once per turn, to prevent runaway panic attacks from multiple mech attacks.

For panic recovery, as long as a pilot avoids failing another roll while they're under a panic state, they recover one state up (ie Panicked -> Stressed, or Fatigued -> Normal)

A typical chain of events under this system is thus something like Normal at start -> Turn 1 during enemy action: takes hit, downgrades to Fatigued -> Turn 2: manages to avoid failing a panic roll -> Turn 3 on pilot's movement: hits Normal again


New Heat System

CBT Heat brings Classic Battletech Tabletop heat rules feeling into HBS's BATTLETECH game. In the Classic Battletech Tabletop game, heat management had a more press-your-luck style component to it. This mod is an attempt to fit that style of mechanic into the heat system of this game. Note that this is more of an attempt to blend the 2 systems together than a total reimplementation.?

Your mech will have a chance to shutdown and have its ammo explode every turn you are overheated. The chances of that happening depend on the number of rounds you have been overheated. I've tried to convert the original CBT heat chart in to percentages and apply them here. The original CBT heat scale had 4 Shutdown roll chances and 4 Ammo Explosion chances as well as Heat modifiers to Hit. So I've converted those chances (which were originally 2d6 rolls) and applied them to the overheat mechanic of the game. The game will roll randomly for each percentage. Ammo Explosion results are applied first.

Guts reduces the possibility of shutting down and having an ammo explosion.

***Mod Installation***?

Before installation I recommend installing JK_MinorAdjustments. This is a fantastic fix for a number of lore/cosmetic issues but must overwrite core files.

This version should be 100% compatible with all saved games using versions 1.04.4 and later. Not all of the changes will be applied, but 99% of them will be updated (only the stuff that triggers at start of campaign is not changed). If you are unsure, back up your Mods folder before installing.

This version was released for full compatibility v1.1 of BATTLETECH. Therefore, you need to make sure that a clean install of this mod is done.

1) Delete all previous folders associated with this mod in your BATTLETECH\MODS directory. NOTE: you may not have all of these listed folders!



Better Juggernaut (Brace Only)





Company Mech Salvage



Extended Information


Improved AI





No Guts No Galaxy

No Time To Bleed




Real Hit Chance

Repair Tonnage

Repair Tonnage and Finances

Repair Tonnage and NGNG








2) This mod requires BTML and ModPak to function. Instructions on how to install both of these are located here:

3) Unzip the entire file into your BATTLETECH\Mods directory. That's it!

4) There are a lot of .json files and .dll files to merge so loading up the game takes about 1-2 minutes now. Just be patient - it's worth it! With the latest version of ModTek (v0.2.0) this actually gets significantly faster upon future loads.

5) If you want to disable any part of this mod you can go into the individual folders and change the "true" value in mod.json to "false".

6) If you really want salvage set at 3 mech parts (or 2, or whatever!) change the "DefaultMechPartMax" : 5, value from 5 to 3 (or whatever. I'm not your mom!) "\BATTLETECH\Mods\dZ_Company_Commander\StreamingAssets\data\simGameConstants\SimGameConstants.json"

Mods included:?

Abilites And Skills Overhaul - My personal mod that overhauls the Abilities and Skills Trees.

Attack Improvment Mod (AIM) -

Fix the bug that doubles headshot% of normal attacks. Fix broken vehicle called shot. Re-enable clustering called shot (can be disabled). Optional: Show real hit chance, adjust called shot effectiveness, adject roll correction strength, adjust miss streak breaker, easily accessible attack log.

Basic Panic System -

Now pilots freak out and might even eject when the battle starts to go very poorly.

Better AI -

Significant overall AI improvements.

camera_settings -

Fine tuning of all of the exposed camera settings.

CBT Heat -

New heat system that provides a press your luck aspect for overheating. Much more interesting than vanilla heat system.

CBT Movement -

Added to allow jumping penalty for moving. This is modified for inclusion in this Mod Pack.

Repair Tonnage -

Mech Repair Time linked to tonnage. Bigger mechs take longer to fix.

Stability Tonnage -

Mech stability now takes mech tonnage into account. Previously all mechs had a stability rating of 100. Now it is 100 + 0.5 x tonnage.

JK_Variants -

Adds lore appropriate vehicles and mechs to the campaign. Can encounter them and purchase them! Current count is: 64 mechs, 19 vehicles, 5 weapons, 1 ammunition, and 1 Command Console. This mod has been tweaked so that it is ModTek compatible and fully loads into the campaign without overwriting game files.

Battletech Balance Overhaul -

Major weapons, combat, and AI tweaks.

Drop Cost Per Mech and Mech Maintenance By Cost -

Cost associated with mechs chosen for the drop. More expensive mechs cost more to bring into a mission.

Monthly mech maintenance costs now linked to mech cost.

No Time To Bleed -

Ever wanted to drop with injured pilots and really put their lives in jeopardy? Now you can! For every 3 medtech points you have you can drop with one injured mechs. Feel the love.

Firing Line Improvements -

This is a really neat mod to make the firing lines a lot more distinctive.

Better Juggernaut (Brace Only) -

Adds auto-brace after melee attack to Juggernaut when level 8 in guts is hit.


Skips the tutorial mission. The previous mod used to skip directly the Leopard was causing issues and so was removed and replaced with this.

Stabile Piloting -

Piloting skills adds 2% stability defense. Wounded pilots get -5% to stability per injury.

More Is Less -

Experience gain slowed. For every 10,000 XP your pilot gets, their total XP gained in the future is reduced by 10%.

Adjusted Mech Assembly

Salvaged mechs, when assembled, come with damaged pieces.

Sell Mech Parts -

Enables selling of mech components in the store.

Planet Difficulty Variety and Contract Tweaks -

Makes difficulty in systems not tied to campaign progression.

Base difficulty changes to some planets.

Improved contract variety and refresh rate.

Move Faster -

Utility for increasing movement speed of all mechs and vehicles.

Permanent Evasion - dZ -

Modified Permanent Evasion mod. Ace Pilots now have a minimum evasion limit that can be reached via Evasion reduction (sensor lock, shooting, etc.)

Random Campaign Start -

Start with randomized mechs and pilots.

Jack's Star League Era Markets

LosTech added as a small chance to Star League Era and Blackmarket systems.

Add Year To Timeline

Now shows the year in the timeline.

Monthly Tech and Morale Reset

Adds a month-long temporary -2/-1/0/+1/+2 MedTech and MechTech Skill adjustment based upon the financial level selected during the Quarterly Report. Also makes the morale bonus -10/-5/0/+5/+10 and makes this change temporary during the month.

Injuries Hurt Mod

Wounds cause temporary skill degradation to the pilot.

Pilot Health Popup

Now gives a pop up upon pilot wounding to show HP level.

Repair Bays

Can repair one additional mech per MechBay Pod.


Skips opening cinematic.

Extended Information -

More in-game information added.

Melee Mover -

Can move when making consecutive melee attacks against an adjacent enemy.


There are a lot of mods included in this pack that represent a LOT of hours from other programmers and modders in the community. This Mod Pack would not be possible without their efforts!




Adjusted Mech Salvage


Permanent Evasion (modified by don Zappo for this Mod Pack)


Adjusted Mech Assembly

Melee Mover

Justin Kase:






Better AI


Better Juggernaut

Basic Panic System (modified)


CBT Heat

CBT Movement (modified)











Extended Information


No Guts No Galaxy (the original inspiration for this Mod Pack!)


Repair Tonnage

RepairBays (modified by don Zappo for this Mod Pack)

Stabile Piloting

Stability Tonnage

RealityMachina aka me

No Time To Bleed


Planet Difficulty Variety and Contract Tweaks



BTML and ModTek (Without which this mod wouldn't even be conceivably possible)

Exclusive Filters

Pilot Health Popup


Stop Scrolling



Night Thastus

Injuries Hurt

Mod Installation:

Copy the mod folder into your BATTLETECH\Mods directory.

Requires ModTek? and Community Asset Bundle.

  • Last update: Sunday, October 6, 2019
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 7.9 MB

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BattleTech - Pilot Fatigue v.4.4 - mod - 7.1 KB

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Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - NFS Most Wanted REDUX (Ultimate Overhaul, Cars & Graphics Mod) v.2.3 - mod - 5091.3 MB

Assassin's Creed: Shadows - Cheat Table (CT for Cheat Engine) v.19032025 - mod - 2.2 KB

Assassin's Creed: Shadows - Cheat Table (CT for Cheat Engine) v.19032025 - mod - 2.2 KB

Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Remastered Underground 2 v.1.0 - mod - 115.8 MB

Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Remastered Underground 2 v.1.0 - mod - 115.8 MB

Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Widescreen patch v.8072023 - mod - 1.2 MB

Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Widescreen patch v.8072023 - mod - 1.2 MB

Need for Speed Carbon - Widescreen Fix v.8072023 - mod - 4.3 MB

Need for Speed Carbon - Widescreen Fix v.8072023 - mod - 4.3 MB

The Sims 4 - No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 v.15012017 - mod - 0.9 KB

The Sims 4 - No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 v.15012017 - mod - 0.9 KB

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - Windows 10 Fix - mod - 2.4 MB

Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - Windows 10 Fix - mod - 2.4 MB

Need for Speed Carbon - NFSC Redux (Ultimate Overhaul, Cars & Graphics Mod) v.1.2 - mod - 1353 MB

Need for Speed Carbon - NFSC Redux (Ultimate Overhaul, Cars & Graphics Mod) v.1.2 - mod - 1353 MB