In the House of Ashes #1 | Chapter 8 Dark Messiah Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
You will come back to the Stonehelm. Go to the place, where you first met Arantir. You will see a red - blooded light. Black Guard's! Use Bow of Fiery Rage and kill them. Look around, you will find a Portal. Go through it. You will be on the other side of huge building. There are Black Guard's too and the Acolytes of Necromancers. Kill all of them. Look around, you will notice a wipes close to the floor.
Leanna is probably dead... Sad...
| The catacombs under the city
Red - blooded light...
| Use Bow of Fiery Rage
Go closer...
| Portal is active now.
Dark corridor... Where does it lead?
| Black Guard's again
The dead Acolyte
| The sewerage system?
Go to the right. Suddenly one of the Black Guard's will appear. Kill him, but other Blacks will come. Kill all of them and look around the place, where they were running from. Take items and go further. Turn left You will see an Acolyte. Set up several Fire Traps and kill all enemies.
Really huge building...
| You need special key to open this door.
So dark...
| Black Guard's are hiding in the darkness...
He is really fit!
| Nothing very interesting there...
| Kill all enemies!
Ghouls! The Necromancers keep Ghouls in cages! On the right side is table. The tongs are lying on the table. But now, you don't need them. Turn left. Go upstairs. Kill several Acolytes. You will notice a door plates, try to remember the names of places.
The pet? Ghoul!
| There is more than one...
It look like labyrinth...
| Dragon box
Go up and be careful...
| Is someone there?
Kill him!
| Hmm... This tattoo looks familiar..