Topkapi Palace - part II Broken Sword TAOD Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
| [155]
Show the false ID card to the guard [#154] and go inside. But don't show the ID card the guard, who is standing on the front gate of Palace [#155] - he knows real Eamon O'Mary.
| [157]
Talk with Anna Maria and please her to sidetrack the guard [#156]. When she will go with the guard aside, you'll go through the alley up - square [#157].
| [159]
In this place you will see two scaffoldings [#158] - climb up onto this on the right side [#159].
| [161]
On the wall is laying phone - take it [#160]. Get into the equipment, click PPM on the phone and now you know number to the one of the guards [#161]. Then put the phone on its place.
| [163]
Go to the next scaffolding, on the left [#162]. Using your PDA call to the guard [#163].
| [165]
Now you can easy and imperceptibly cross the wall [#164]. Hide behind the wall [#165].
| [167]
Observe the guard, when he turns back to you, go out behind the wall and follow him [#166], then quickly climb up [#167] and go to the next place.
| [169]
There is another guard with dog [#168]. Look at the window and you will see a daub, which is falling off [#169]. Use the knife to scrape some daub and the guard with dog will go down to see what's going on.
| [171]
Now quickly go to the cup, which the guard left and drink the tea [#170], after that hide in save place. When the guard will come back, he will go to do new tea. Go downstairs. Sadly, the guard left his dog [#171]. You must sidetrack him.
| [173]
Look at the pendulous washing line [#172]. Get into the equipment and cut using the knife slice of salami. Then go upstairs and tie it to the washing line [#173].
| [175]
The dog will be eating [#174] and you can go through the door [#175].
| [177]
Now you're in the museum Palace's zone [#176]. Of course, there are also guards. Go downstairs [#177].
| [179]
In this room you will see computer, which is controlling security system of this part of Palace [#178]. Use your PDA to connect with Palace's safeguard management [#179].
Now hack into the system. There is several methods to do this - for example like that - [#180].
| [182]
When you hack system, go to the serve [#181]. When you will be asking about set - up system on the test mode, answer "yes".
| [184]
Now, you may go to the museum - open the door [#183] and go inside. Put the leaflet from hotel to the vent [#184] and set it on fire using lighter.
| [186]
When the room will be fill of smoke [#185], you can pass safely lasers [#186].
| [188]
Now go to the door, that you see on the picture [#187]. Behind the door is standing Anna Maria. Talk with her through the door and let her in. Go to the levers and set up them in the following order: first on the left side - down, second on the left - up, third leave as it is, fourth - down [#188].
| [190]
Go to the next door, that you see on the screen [#189]. Ask Anna Maria for help to open the door [#190].
| [192]
You're on the court [#191]. Go under the colonnade and you will see a switch [#192].
| [194]
Push the switch [#193]. The fountain will stop working. Jump into it and ask Anna Maria for help to shove the fountain's shaft [#194]. Now you see a secret passage - go down.
| [196]
You're in the canals [#195]. Look around and you will see tubes, levers, valves and on the end of metal platform loose stones [#196].
| [198]
Go on the beginning of metal platform. Set up first lever on the left to aim the flow of water on the loose stones [#197]. Go farther and shove the next lever down [#198].
| [200]
In the next place are two levers: this on the top shove down, the second shove on the left [#199]. Go farther and turn the valve [#200].
| [202]
The next valve is close to the loose stones - unscrew it [#201]. The water moves the stones and you will see a secret passage [#202].
| [204]
In this place jump down to another room [#203]. Now you're on the citadel's area [#204].
| [206]
Stand on the painting - you will hear a sound of click [#205]. Go farther and push the button near the door (another click) [#206]. Now you will be using the manuscript - all clues you'll find in test and illustrations.
| [208]
The first part of manuscript is about finding two knights on the one horse and pushing the stone, which opens the passage - beg Anna Maria to push the button and at the same time you will stand on the painting [#207]. The door will be open - go to the next place. Look at the statue of the knight [#208].
| [210]
The knight has shield - look at it [#209]. Set up symbols in following order: moon, cross, star and moon [#210].
| [212]
Now there will unveil another knight with shield in his hands [#211]. Set up symbols like on the picture [#212].
| [214]
And another knight will appear [#213]. Set up symbols like on the screen [#214].
| [216]
When you set up symbols correctly on the shield of the last knight, two empty niches will unfold [#215]. Beg Anna Maria to stand in the one of the niches and you also stand in the second. Then you will run down.
| [218]
In the last chamber you will see the treasure, that you are looking for [#217]. It is a cherub. When you and Anna Maria will be admiring the cherub, the door will be closed.
| [220]
Look at the floor - it's a map. In the third part of manuscript is talking about following the Master's route (of course this Master is a Jaques de Molay).Stand on the following places pushing PPM and then the key of action: Acre, London, Paris and Cyprus [#220].
| [222]
Lift the statuette [#221]. There is little pointer on the socle. Turn the socle - the pointer must be oriented on the direction of Constantinople, Rome and Alexandria [#222]. When you will orient pointer of every city, push the key down. In this way you will leave citadel.
| [224]
Anna Maria left with cherub and you're in Istanbul's prison [#223]. Look at the rat's hole on the left wall and do it again - now you've go a metal strut [#224].
| [226]
Go to the opposite wall and use the strut on the prominent stone bloc [#225]. Then move forward the bloc [#226].
| [228]
The priest with the nun will visit you [#227] and give you some items. Get into the equipment, click on the items to allot them and you've got: mechanical mouse, marbles, string, piece of cloth and squeaky toy [#228].
| [230]
Throw marbles to the sump [#229] and crawl to the next cell [#230].
| [232]
Click on the door [#231] to call the guard, who will slip on the marbles and fall into the floor [#232].
| [234]
Come back to your cell and walk up to the door. Now you can reach for the keys, which are in guard's pocket [#233]. Leave the cell, muffle the senseless guard using the piece of cloth and bind him using the string [#234].
| [236]
Go to the exit doors, but unfortunately there is a dog guarding them [#235]. Give the squeaky toy to the dog and take quickly from the table can of beef [#236].
| [238]
Use the key to open the can and dish up some beef to the dog's bowl [#237]. Now you can easy leave the prison [#238].
| [240]
You're in museum part of Palace [#239]. Go upstairs and look at the grapevine on the wall [#240].
| [242]
Go to the museum's gate and use the mechanical mouse on it [#241]. The alarm will be switch on, so all the guards will run on the courtyard to see what's going on and you at the same time quickly climb onto the grapevine to the roof of the building [#242].
| [244]
Notice a loose stone on the wall and use on it the squeaky toy [#243]. The guard will come to see what's going on and you can easy go farther [#244].
| [246]
Now jump onto the roof of next building [#245]. There you will meet with a nun - it's a Nico [#246]!