Level 3-23 | Danger Zone Angry Birds Space Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Available birds: Froshh; BipBapBop; Zzzt; Zzzt
Number of launched birds: 3/4
Estimated score: 100000+ (+1x 10000) = 110000+
Your first goal is to blow up the structure between the first two planets. Zoom in to help you adjust the flight path. Aim so that the dotted line goes between the gravity fields. The bird should destroy the first part of the scaffold and, after the freezing explosion, destroy the box of explosives as well.
Send the other bird up; you can refer to the close-up where the flight path goes through one of the prongs. Split the birds a short while after passing another mine - one of them should hit the pig on the opposite planet, while another should activate the box of explosives.
You should only have one pig left. Launch the third bird beneath the largest planet. As soon as you have a clear shot, change its course to hit the last pig.