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Blizzard Latest news (15)

Diablo Immortal - New Trailer Shows Improved Characters

Adrian Werner, 02 August 2020, 19:12

A new trailer of Diablo Immortal has been available on the web. It shows, among others, improved character models in the mobile version of the popular Blizzard series.

Scholomance Academy - New Expansion for Hearthstone Announced

Bart Swiatek, 15 July 2020, 12:36

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that card game Hearthstone will ger a new expansion, titled Scholomance Academy in August. The DLC will introduce 135 new cards and several mechanics.

WoW Shadowlands Expansion Will be More Accessible to New Players

Damian Strozek, 13 July 2020, 12:55

The director of World of Warcraft announces that the latest expansion for the game - Shadowlands - will provide a very low entry curve for new players. There will be a special storyline, which will introduce fresh users to the world of WoW.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Collector's Edition Revealed

Milosz Szubert, 09 July 2020, 17:00

Blizzard presented the limited collector's edition of the Shadowlands add-on for the MMORPG World of Warcraft. It will include an artbook, a special mouse pad and a digital soundtrack. The edition costs 119,99 dollars.

WoW Shadowlands - Content is Ready; Beta-tests and Release Date

Milosz Szubert, 09 July 2020, 14:46

Blizzard has announced that all content of Shadowlands, the latest expansion for World of Warcraft, is now ready and the expansion's beta-tests will begin next week. On the same occasion, it was confirmed that the full version of the add-on is expected to be released at the end of this year - namely in the fall.

WoW - Blizzard will Reduce Number of Servers

Bart Swiatek, 06 July 2020, 14:26

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that it plans to shut down some World of Warcraft servers. Populations of sparsely populated realms will be combined to reach an appropriate level before the launch of Shadowlands.

Reckful Committed Suicide - WoW Community Pays Tribute

Bart Swiatek, 03 July 2020, 11:58

Byron „Reckful” Bernstein - one of the best known World of Warcraft streamer - committed suicide yesterday. Reckful has been struggling with depression for years. The WoW community paid tribute to the deceased by organizing memorials inside the game.

WoW Classic - Gates of Ahn'Qiraj Will Open in July

Bart Swiatek, 30 June 2020, 13:43

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that on July 28 this year, the well remembered Ahn'Qiraj event will begin on the servers of World of Warcraft Classic.

Diablo 2 is Officially 20 Years Old

Jacob Blazewicz, 29 June 2020, 22:28

On this day, 20 years ago, Diablo II was released. The anniversary of the iconic hack'n'slash from Blizzard Entertainment was noted, among others, by director David Brevik.

Diablo 4 - Info on Multiplayer, Open World and Narrative

Bart Swiatek, 26 June 2020, 14:46

A note appeared on Blizzard Entertainment's official website, presenting a number of details about Diablo IV. The changes include the narrative, as well as open world and multiplayer mode.

Blizzard Punishes Player for Actions of His Wife

Paul Wozniak, 24 June 2020, 18:24

Hearthstone professional player, Janne „Savjz” Mikkonen, revealed yesterday why he wasn't allowed to participate in the latest major tournament. The reason was supposed to be his wife's negative attitude towards company's actions. When this information became known on the Internet, the player was apologized and his ban was lifted.

New 20-Minute Gameplay From Diablo 4

Bart Swiatek, 02 June 2020, 10:04

A new, extensive gameplay from Blizzard Entertainment's highly-anticipated Diablo IV has been released on YouTube. The video shows the barbarian class in action.

WoW Exploit - Player Without Armor One-shots Enemies

Daria Bochenska, 27 May 2020, 13:09

WoW player and youtuber, Rextroy, has found an exploit, thank to which unarmored character can one-shot his enemies.

BlizzCon 2020 Canceled

Milosz Szubert, 27 May 2020, 12:52

Blizzard decided to cancel this year's BlizzCon. However, the famous company is considering a replacement in the form of an online event. It will most likely take place early next year.

Warcraft 3: Reforged - Blizzard Fixes the Game; Patch Inbound

Mateusz Popielak, 21 May 2020, 19:00

Blizzard informed on it blog about planned updates for Warcraft 3: Reforged. Among the many promises we can also find some details.

Rumor: Diablo 4 May Launch Sooner Than we Think

Damian Gacek, 20 May 2020, 12:08

Diablo 4 from Blizzard Entertainment may have its release next year. Or at least that's what Reddit user poundcake_64 believes. He claims that work on the game is much more advanced than we think.

Warcraft 3: Reforged Still Lacks Announced Features

Paul Wozniak, 13 May 2020, 16:24

Warcraft III: Reforged players point out that more than three months after its release, the game still lacks a lot of features that the developers promised to restore. So far, only four patches have been released (mainly bug fixes and optimization), and communication from the developers is virtually non-existant.

Diablo 3 - Screenshots From the Canceled Dark Version of the Game

Daria Bochenska, 13 May 2020, 12:57

Oscar Cuesta, artist who worked on the first version of Diablo 3, released new screenshots from the time when Blizzard North was working on the game.

Rumor: Diablo 2 Resurrected - Remastered Classic to be Released This Year

Adrian Werner, 10 May 2020, 19:40

There are new rumors about the refreshed version of Diablo 2. According to them, the project is called Diablo 2 Resurrected and the devs of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy are working on it.

WoW Will Most Likely Get Ray Tracing Support

Paul Wozniak, 30 April 2020, 19:00

Today, the information that the latest expansion to World of Warcraft will include a graphic setting for ray tracing has probably been confirmed. So far this option has been added to the alpha version of the game, although it is not yet possible to enable it.

WoW: Shadowlands May be the Best Expansion for the Game Yet

Daria Bochenska, 22 April 2020, 17:40

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands won't launch until the end of 2020, but streamer Asmongold has already had a chance to see the alpha version of the expansion and shared his thoughts on the matter.

Wow Shadowlands Will Introduce New Graphic Settings and Character Creator

Bart Swiatek, 17 April 2020, 15:04

With the release of the Shadowlands expansion, the MMORPG World of Warcraft will receive several new graphics options to improve performance. The game's engine may also receive support for Variable Rate Shading and ray tracing technologies.

Blizzard Asks Players if They Want The Burning Crusade Classic

Bart Swiatek, 30 March 2020, 10:30

Developers from Blizzard Entertainment asked the players whether the company sould release The Burning Crusade for WoW Classic. The developers are considering doing it in a way that will satisfy players with different expectations.

100% More Exp for World of Warcraft Players

Konrad Serafinski, 22 March 2020, 14:26

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth players will receive a 100% exp bonus. This applies to new and current characters and will last until April 20, 2020.

Echo Will be Overwatch's Next Playable Character

Adrian Werner, 19 March 2020, 10:59

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that the android Echo will be the next playable character to hit the popular online shooter Overwatch.

Hearthstone - Free Deck, Ashes of Outland Expansion and Demon Hunter Class

Jacob Blazewicz, 17 March 2020, 22:50

Blizzard revealed the attractions of the Year of the Phoenix in Hearthstone. This includes the announcement of the Ashes of Outland expansion with Illidan Stormrage and a new hero class, but also a free deck for new and returning players, as well as changes in ranked mode.

Overwatch Writer Leaves Blizzard

Jacob Blazewicz, 12 March 2020, 13:32

Michael Chu has announced his departure from Blizzard Entertainment. The main screenwriter of the Overwatch series leaves the company after almost 20 years of work, but still wants to create stories for video games.

Diablo 4 is Supposed to be Dark; Blizzard on Interface, Enemies and Controls

Adrian Werner, 27 February 2020, 12:31

Blizzard Entertainment provided new information about Diablo 4. Changes in interface, controls and enemy designs were discussed. A new family of opponents, the Cannibals, was also revealed.

Watch Gameplay From StarCraft: Ghost - Blizzard's Cancelled Action Game

Bart Swiatek, 17 February 2020, 11:33

A gameplay from StarCraft: Ghost, the cancelled action adventure game set in the universe of the popular RTS, appeared on YouTube. The game was to launch on PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube.

Dear Blizzard, It's Time to Take a Step Back

Kristian Smoszna, 11 February 2020, 10:25

The dry spell of the beginning of 2020 in terms of premieres could have been mitigated by the release of Warcraft III: Reforged. Unfortunately, it didn't click.

Blizzard Automatizes Warcraft 3: Reforged Refunds

Jacob Blazewicz, 07 February 2020, 22:06

Blizzard has enabled players to automatically get a refund for Warcraft III: Reforged. CEO J. Allen Brack commented on the failed attempt to refresh the iconic game, admitting that it has been a difficult week for the company.

World of Warcraft Doubled its Number of Subscribers

Adrian Werner, 07 February 2020, 16:15

Activision Blizzard has published a financial report for the past year. Apart from revenues and profits, we learned that the number of World of Warcraft subscribers has more than doubled.

Co-creator of Gears of War Will Lead Diablo 4 Team

Bart Swiatek, 06 February 2020, 12:22

Rod Fergusson, one of the creators of the Gears of War series and current head of The Coalition, will leave his company in March. He will move to Blizzard Entartainment to be responsible for the development of the iconic Diablo franchise.

Blizzard Apologizes for Warcraft 3 Reforged

Bart Swiatek, 04 February 2020, 13:46

Blizzard Entertainment, the studio responsible for the creation of the recently released Warcraft III: Reforged, has apologized to fans who are not satisfied with the quality of the game. The developers also announced the development plans for the game - including the missing features that will be restored.

Warcraft 3 Reforged With Record Low Player Rating on Metacritic

Adrian Werner, 02 February 2020, 21:31

A few days after its launch, Warcraft III: Reforged became the worst player-rated production in Metacritic's history. Even such spectacular failures as Fallout 76 or Anthem can boast much better results.

Warcraft 3: Reforged - Devs Claim Rights to Mods

Krzysztof Kaluzinski, 30 January 2020, 15:32

Blizzard learned from the mistakes made in Warcraft III. In the new version of the game, subtitled Reforged, the company secures full rights to the content created by fans. Blizzard doesn't want to lose another gem like DOTA.

Rumors from Blizzard: Battle for Azeroth was Shafted due to Deadlines and Pressure From Top

Patrick Manelski, 29 January 2020, 15:46

Problems with the latest patch 8.3 for World of Warcraft reignited the discussion on the condition of Activision Blizzard and alleged problems in the studio. Latest rumors add fuel to the fire, claiming, for example, that crunch was responsible for the disastrous condition of patch 8.3.

Warcraft 3 Reforged Launches

Bart Swiatek, 29 January 2020, 13:08

Today marks the release of Warcraft III: Reforged, a remake of the classic real-time strategy Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos from Blizzard Entertainment along with The Frozen Throne expansion. The title is only available on PC.

Warcraft 3 Reforged - New Hardware Requirements for PC

Adrian Werner, 28 January 2020, 13:07

Moments before the release of Warcraft III: Reforged, Blizzard Entertainment has released updated hardware requirements of the game.

Blizzard Created a Prototype of Hearthstone VR

Konrad Serafinski, 28 January 2020, 12:50

One of the creators of Hearthstone revealed to PowerUp that the developers were working on a VR version of the game. In the end, the project was discontinued, but an interesting prototype has been created.

WoW Has Received a Major Update With New Races

Jacob Blazewicz, 15 January 2020, 21:52

Blizzard released a Visions of N'zoth update for World of Warcraft. Patch 8.3 introduces two allied races and the possibility of facing the horror of N'Zoth in a new rally, assault, and so-called Horrific Visions.

Warcraft 3 Reforged Release Date Announced

Bart Swiatek, 18 December 2019, 11:38

Blizzard Entertainment announced the release date of Warcraft III Remake and The Frozen Throne expansion, entitled Warcraft III: Reforged. The title, which was originally to debut later this year, will be launched in January 2020.

Diablo 4 - Blizzard Accepts Criticism and Changes the Equipment System

Bart Swiatek, 05 December 2019, 23:26

Blizzard Entertainment takes the criticism of Diablo IV to heart. Having listened to the comments of the community, the developers decided to make a few changes to the planned equipment system.

Diablo 4 - Game Development, Characters Personalization and PvP Zones

Paul Wozniak, 29 November 2019, 23:31

The extensive interview about Diablo IV provides a lot of new info about the next installment of the iconic series. The devs point out that the base version of the game is „the first chapter of a book” so that the story is to be developed long after the release of the game. They also provide details on character personalization and PvP zones.

Another Free Week of Overwatch Begins

Milosz Szubert, 28 November 2019, 12:39

Another free week of Overwatch has started. The popular hero-based online shooter from Blizzard can be tested on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One until December 4.

Diablo 4 - Changes in Items and Character Progression

Paul Wozniak, 21 November 2019, 12:34

An official entry from the main system designer of Diablo IV appeared on the web, in which he discusses the most important things related to the game. We found out that there will be changes in some items, and the character progression system has not yet been firmly established.

Activision Blizzard: There is no Place For Politics in Our Games

Julia Dragovic, 20 November 2019, 22:47

Bobby Kotick, president of Activision Blizzard, gave an interview in which he stated that his games should not be a platform for expressing political views, but a place for good fun.

Creators of Diablo: „The Old Blizzard is gone.”

Konrad Serafinski, 19 November 2019, 12:27

Blizzard has been struggling with PR problems for a long time. Former employees and creators of the Diablo series, who attended the Path of Exile fan party, added their own five cents, not denying themselves the opportunity to comment on the company's recent activities.

Diablo 2 Remaster Cancelled As Devs Have Allegedly Lost Source Code

Krzysztof Kaluzinski, 18 November 2019, 22:26

Diablo II Remaster will probably never come from a corrupt source code. The devs of the original talked about the problem they encountered in developing the second installment of the iconic hack'n'slash series.

Diablo 4 Gameplay Presenting Boss Fight

Michael Kulakowski, 13 November 2019, 23:12

Game Informer has released the last video recorded from the demo version of Diablo IV, which was released at BlizzCon 2019. The video shows the only boss fight available in the demo.