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Blizzard Latest news (8)

Diablo Immortal Player Spent $100 Thousand on a Character and Has no One to Play With; Wants a Refund [UPDATED]

Przemyslaw Dygas, 04 August 2022, 09:58

Youtuber jtisallbusiness has spent so much money on micropayments in Diablo Immortal that it is preventing him from playing PvP. Now he is considering whether to demand a refund.

Secret Shop Discovered in Diablo Immortal

Adam Adamczyk, 03 August 2022, 12:36

A gamer accidentally discovered a secret store in Diablo Immortal. He managed to do so while streaming the game via Discord.

Diablo Immortal Will Get New Updates Every Two Weeks

Przemyslaw Dygas, 03 August 2022, 11:33

It looks like Blizzard has ambitious plans to develop Diablo Immortal. The game will receive updates every two weeks.

Diablo Immortal Brought in a Lot New Players to Diablo

Miriam Moszczynska, 03 August 2022, 11:07

Diablo Immortal continues to surprise. Activision Blizzard's financial report has revealed that the mobile Diablo has „lured” a lot of new players who have had no previous experience with either the series or Blizzard's creations in general.

Up to $45 for Overwatch 2 Skin

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 01 August 2022, 14:25

Blizzard has started sending out surveys about microtransactions in the upcoming Overwatch 2. According to them, a single skin can cost as much as $45.

Diablo Immortal Turns Into a Tornado; 10 Million Players More in a Week

Hubert Sledziewski, 30 July 2022, 16:26

Despite unrelenting criticism, Diablo Immortal is increasingly popular. The developers of the game boasted today that it has already been downloaded 30 million times.

Blizzard Managed to Piss Off Esports Players; Overwatch Tournament Takes Flak

Jacob Blazewicz, 29 July 2022, 17:10

Blizzard hasn't had any luck with gamers lately. When it's not frustrating fans of its iconic series, it's pissing off esports players with controversial decisions at tournaments.

Diablo Immortal's Earnings Pick Up Steam Thanks to China

Kamil Kleszyk, 28 July 2022, 20:58

Diablo Immortal presses on, despite criticism. The game, hated by many for its ubiquitous microtransactions, has become a real money-making machine. After its release in China, Blizzard's game broke the magic barrier of $100 million in revenue.

50 Minutes of Seafaring in WoW; Tourism in Azeroth

Przemyslaw Dygas, 28 July 2022, 16:45

The upcoming World of Warcraft expansion will feature a unique activity. You will be able to explore Azeroth from aboard a ship.

Blizzard's Blunder Revealed Release Date of WoW Classic's Best Expansion [UPDATED]

Adrian Werner, 25 July 2022, 20:14

Through an error by Blizzard, we learned the release date of the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion.

Diablo Immortal Goes Like a Storm, Another Barrier Broken

Krzysztof Kaluzinski, 23 July 2022, 16:37

Blizzard Entertainment boasts of the number of installations, while players continue to complain about the Warbands and problems with the awarding of experience points for the Battle Pass.

Diablo 4 Beta Approaching; Traces Found on [UPDATE]

Jacob Blazewicz, 22 July 2022, 20:57 client is being prepared for the Diablo IV beta, which may suggest the imminent start of testing of this eagerly awaited game.

Blizzard Summarizes Overwatch 2 Beta and Teases New Character

Hubert Sledziewski, 20 July 2022, 16:23

The second beta tests of Overwatch 2 have come to an end. Players are rather satisfied, and Blizzard has gathered the feedback it wanted. The studio plans one more test before releasing the game in early access - it's possible that it will introduce the new „fox-related heroine”.

Warbands in Diablo Immortal Make no Sense; Fans Demand Changes

Miriam Moszczynska, 20 July 2022, 12:18

Warbands in Diablo Immortal are giving the community a headache. The system makes absolutely no sense against existing clans and people are demanding that it be removed.

Blizzard Warns of New Class in WoW Dragonflight; Takes Strange Method

destroytheardor, 18 July 2022, 13:52

The Dragonflight DLC will introduce a brand new class to World of Warcraft, designed for veterans of the game. The mechanics of this class are not among the simplest, so Blizzard decided to warn beginners in an intriguing way.

People Get Tattoos to Access Diablo 4 Beta

Miriam Moszczynska, 18 July 2022, 13:24

Blizzard has organized an interesting campaign to advertise the beta of Diablo 4. Players can get a tattoo for free and gain access to the upcoming tests.

Son Spent $2,000 in Diablo Immortal; No Hopes for Refund

Adam Adamczyk, 15 July 2022, 13:06

A desperate parent is seeking counseling after his son spent about $2,000 in Diablo Immortal.

WoW Dragonflight Alpha Launches; Players Worried, Developers Reassure

Miriam Moszczynska, 15 July 2022, 12:00

The Dragonflight expansion for World of Warcraft is now available for closed alpha testing. Players are almost certain that Blizzard won't be able to polish the content by the end of the year.

Leader Kicked Everyone Out of Clan in Diablo Immortal; Claimed Entire Boon

Sonia Selerska, 13 July 2022, 16:50

More problems in Diablo Immortal. Ill-thought out rules enabled one player to take advantage of other members of his clan and take their loot for himself.

Heroes of the Storm - Blizzard Has Ended Development

Adrian Werner, 10 July 2022, 15:07

Blizzard has ended the development of Heroes of the Storm. However, the game will remain active.

WoW Dragonflight With Major Crafting Improvements

Adrian Werner, 10 July 2022, 14:32

We've learned details about the big improvements to the crafting system that Blizzard studio is preparing for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

BlizzCon in 2023 - Blizzard Announces Return of Event

Hubert Sledziewski, 08 July 2022, 12:18

BlizzCon will return in 2023. Blizzard's CEO Mike Ybarra assured that work is underway to resume the once annual gaming event after a three-year hiatus.

Diablo Immortal Defended by Blizzard's Boss

Kamil Kleszyk, 07 July 2022, 12:17

Blizzard Entertainment CEO Mike Ybarra defends the controversial microtransactions in Diablo Immortal, claiming that it is possible to complete the game in 99.5% without any monetary contributions.

Players Cry, But Pay; Diablo Immortal Earns Millions of Dollars

Jacob Blazewicz, 04 July 2022, 19:22

Diablo Immortal is drowning in a sea of criticism, but also money. After a month, the game is still making $1 million a day for Blizzard Entertainment.

Blizzard's Questionable Actions Cast Shadow on Warcraft 3's 20th Anniversary

Adrian Werner, 04 July 2022, 17:52

Warcraft 3's twentieth birthday was somewhat spoiled by Activision Blizzard's threats to the creator of one of its fan projects.

New Boss in Diablo Immortal Pushes the Envelope of Grind

destroytheardor, 04 July 2022, 10:27

You can already face a new boss in Diablo Immortal, but the required level of a character's combat rating may be beyond the capabilities of even players who have no qualms with spending money on microtransactions.

Diablo Immortal Too Predatory; Experts Withdraw Their Support

Miriam Moszczynska, 30 June 2022, 13:39

A website creating guides for Diablo Immortal stopped supporting the game. It happened because of the nature of the gameplay, which is focused on payments.

Maxing Out Diablo Immortal Characters Can Cost Over $500 Thousand

Zuzanna Domeradzka, 28 June 2022, 13:21

Diablo Immortal may require spending up to $540k to max out a single character. Players have discovered a gem upgrade „mechanic” due to which the approximate cost of maxing out a character is higher than previously speculated.

Not Just Immortal; Blizzard Doesn't Forget About Diablo 2 Resurrected

destroytheardor, 28 June 2022, 11:12

The commerial success of Diablo Immortal does not seem to have affected work on other games in the series. Blizzard has provided details of update 2.4.3, scheduled for Diablo 2 Resurrected.

Overwatch 2 Will Completely Replace First Game; Fans Unhappy

Michal Ciezadlik, 24 June 2022, 15:52

It turns out that Overwatch 2 will completely replace its predecessor. This is according to the words of the game's director Aaron Keller, who answered fan questions during a session on Reddit.

Diablo Immortal Delayed in China; What Went Wrong?

Sonia Selerska, 20 June 2022, 15:12

F2P Diablo still awaited by Chinese gamers. The sudden change in release date may have a different reason than the one provided by Blizzard.

Various Player Stats For Diablo Immortal

Adrian Werner, 19 June 2022, 15:49

Diablo Immortal developers have shared some interesting data. We got to know, among other things, updated number of downloads and player achievement statistics.

Diablo Immortal Earned Millions of Dollars; Biggest Revenue Comes From U.S

Kamil Kleszyk, 17 June 2022, 18:53

Despite the rather cold reception of Diablo Immortal by players, the free-to-play hack'n'slash provided Blizzard Entertainment and NetEase with abundant revenue within two weeks of its release.

Overwatch 2 Without Lootboxes But With In-app Store

Przemyslaw Dygas, 17 June 2022, 10:52

Blizzard has shared information about microtransactions in Overwatch 2. There will be no lootboxes in the game, but we'll still have plenty of opportunities to reach for our wallet.

Diablo 4 Will Provide a Long Campaign - And It Will be First Out of Many Attractions

Kamil Kleszyk, 17 June 2022, 09:33

Diablo 4 director Joe Shely revealed details about the length of the game's main campaign in a recent interview, as well as the maximum level cap and the returning Paragon system.

2.5 Year Later Warcraft 3 Reforged Gets Missing Features

Kamil Kleszyk, 15 June 2022, 21:32

Blizzard Entertainment will finally respond to the requests of Warcraft 3: Reforged fans and introduce some long-awaited features in the upcoming patch 1.33.0.

You Won't Get Far in Diablo Immortal Without Money

Przemyslaw Dygas, 15 June 2022, 11:02

One Diablo Immortal player discovered many limitations hidden in the game. Without spending money, even grind will not be enough.

Diablo 4's Necromancer Gets Detailed Introduction

Przemyslaw Dygas, 14 June 2022, 14:36

During the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, it was announced that the last of the five character classes in Diablo 4 will be the necromancer. Now we know what her abilities look like.

Diablo 4 Creator Reassures Fans Disgusted by Diablo Immortal

Agnes Adamus, 13 June 2022, 22:26

Rod Fergusson decided to reassure Diablo fans. He revealed that the fourth installment of the series will not contain any intrusive microtransactions.

Diablo 4 Beta Should Launch Soon

Przemyslaw Dygas, 13 June 2022, 14:42

Diablo 4 beta should be starting soon and you can sign up for it now.

Diablo 4 With New Trailer; Necromancer Presented

Hubert Sledziewski, 12 June 2022, 20:35

Quite unexpectedly, one of the games presented at the Xbox & Bethesda Showcase was Diablo 4. We saw a new gameplay and got to know the last of the five classes that are supposed to be available on launch.

Overwatch 2 for Free; Early Access Release Date Revealed

Adrian Werner, 12 June 2022, 20:01

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that the PvP mode in Overwatch 2 will use a free-to-play model. We also learned the early access launch date.

Diablo Immortal Recorded Biggest Debut in Series History And It's No Surprise

destroytheardor, 12 June 2022, 19:10

The developers boast that Diablo Immortal turned out to be the biggest launch in the history of the series. The famous game breaks new records, but not all of them bring reasons to be proud.

WoW Players Frustrated by Loss of Paid Mount

Miriam Moszczynska, 10 June 2022, 15:29

Tyrael's Charger was a mount that WoW players could get as part of a subscription-based extras. As it turns out, something at Blizzard went wrong and some users are losing this mount, even 10 years later.

Spent $10,000 in Diablo Immortal and Got Nothing

Przemyslaw Dygas, 10 June 2022, 13:00

Streamer Quin69 spent almost 10K in Diablo Immortal. Despite that he didn't manage to get the most valuable items.

Diablo 4 and Microtransactions; Players Don't Want a Repeat of Diablo Immortal

Jacob Blazewicz, 09 June 2022, 12:17

„Pay-to-win” in Diablo Immortal and Blizzard's recent job announcement reminded the fans that there will be microtransactions in Diablo IV as well.

Diablo Immortal is Now Blizzard's Lowest-rated Game on Metacritic

Hubert Sledziewski, 08 June 2022, 22:06

Diablo Immortal is no longer one of the worst rated Blizzard games by Metacritic users. Now Diablo Immortal is the worst rated Blizzard game on the said website.

Ban Diablo Immortal; Community the Game Out of Reddit

Miriam Moszczynska, 08 June 2022, 16:14

Players want Diablo Immortal banned in a subreddit dedicated to the series. The community is sick of the posts and doesn't want to hear about this game.

Blizzard has Become a Parody of Itself

Miriam Moszczynska, 07 June 2022, 14:00

Blizzard once joked about pay-to-win, only to now bluntly pack Diablo Immortal with just such content. Gamers have unearthed one of StarCraft's commercials.

Diablo Immortal Sinks Into Gray Zone While Its Director Defends Microtransactions

Przemyslaw Dygas, 07 June 2022, 12:21

More and more offers to buy maxed out accounts in Diablo Immortal are appearing online. Meanwhile, the game's director claims that allegations aimed at microtransactions are due to misinformation.