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MMORPG Latest news (7)

Here's BitCraft, a MMORPG That Captivates With Visuals

Milosz Szubert, 17 September 2021, 15:50

Clockwork Labs presented the first trailer of the MMORPG BitCraft. The pre-alpha of this title, which features eye-catching artwork, is set to debut soon.

WoW Turned Woman Into Fruit; Weird Censorship in Patch 9.1.5

Jacob Blazewicz, 17 September 2021, 15:40

Patch 9.1.5 for World of Warcraft is expected to bring quite a few changes. These apparently include an unusual example of censorship in the form of modifications to two paintings from the base game.

Beautiful Interactive Map Presents the Setting of New World

Milosz Szubert, 16 September 2021, 16:39

Last week, the developers of the MMORPG New World released an interactive map of the game world. In recent hours, they reminded us of its existence through a quiz, which is to be held later this week. In addition, a fan-created map of the game area can be found online.

New World After Beta - What Should be Improved According to Players

Michal Ciezadlik, 13 September 2021, 17:11

The three-day open beta of New World has ended. Players were mostly positive about the MMORPG from Amazon Games, but they also feel some gameplay aspects should be improved.

„The Magic of WoW Kinda Died,” Says Record-breaking Guild and Quits the Game

Przemyslaw Dygas, 11 September 2021, 20:19

More members of the World of Warcraft community say goodbye to the game. This time it's the APES, a guild associated primarily with WoW Classic.

New World Open Beta Launches

Adrian Werner, 10 September 2021, 11:45

Open beta tests of New World, one of the most promising MMORPGs of the year, launched on Steam.

Runescape Devs Changed Their Mind - Fan Project Will be Spared

Miriam Moszczynska, 09 September 2021, 12:19

Protests from RuneScape players, who stood against a controversial dev decision aimed at one of the modders, have been felt by the studio. Jagex has issued a new statement on the matter, this time with a positive tone.

RuneScape Fan Project Shot Down by the Devs Just Before Launch

Przemyslaw Dygas, 08 September 2021, 12:06

One gamer spent two years working on a modification to improve textures in Old School RuneScape. His work was blocked by the developers just before the release.

Horde and Alliance Together in WoW? Game's Director Comments

GRG, 03 September 2021, 14:36

Horde and Alliance will join forces? Fans have long been demanding this possibility for a long time, and the game's director decided to comment on the matter.

New World Not Responsible for Toasting RTX 3090 GPUs

Arkadiusz Strzala, 02 September 2021, 22:11

New information on the damage to RTX 3090 GPUs, allegedly caused by the beta of Amazon's New World. The game isn't to blame and Amazon Games responsibility for the situation is minor if any.

Lost Ark Delayed to Next Year

Iltutmis, 01 September 2021, 20:50

Free-to-play online action RPG Lost Ark will not be released in Europe as planned. The launch has been officially postponed to next year. Developers justify the decision with, among other things, the need to get rid of bugs and improve the network infrastructure.

Names of Selected Blizzard Devs Will be Removed From World of Warcraft

Iltutmis, 28 August 2021, 20:54

Yesterday, the team responsible for Overwatch announced that McCree, a character named after one of the developers, will be renamed. Today, another team from under Blizzard's wings continues the changes. Some familiar names will disappear from World of Warcraft.

New World Open Beta Schedule and Trailer From Gamescom 2021

Jacob Blazewicz, 25 August 2021, 21:43

The developers of New World have shown a new trailer for Amazon's MMORPG. The trailer revealed the date of the next open beta.

WoW: Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 Will Introduce Solo Mode in Island Expeditions

GRG, 24 August 2021, 15:48

Blizzard confirmed changes to Island Expeditions mode in the upcoming update 9.1.5 for World of Warcraft. Players will finally be able to acquire Azerite and unique items solo.

Lineage W to be Series' Magnum Opus; Release This Year

Jacob Blazewicz, 20 August 2021, 19:44

Magnum opus and playground for players from all over the world - this is what the freshly-revealed Lineage W is supposed to be for the well-known MMORPG series. The game will be released later this year on PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch and mobile devices.

F2P MMO Bless Unleashed Conquered Steam, but Not Player Hearts

Jacob Blazewicz, 11 August 2021, 21:46

Bless Unleashed has been quite successful on Steam. At least in terms of the number of active players, as the console MMORPG's PC release didn't generate much enthusiasm.

Blizzard Lost Nearly 50% of Players in the Last Four Years

Michal Ciezadlik, 11 August 2021, 17:34

The latest figures are devastating for Blizzard Entertainment. The latest report shows that the number of active users of the studio's games has almost halved.

Hit MMORPG Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Coming to PC

Adrian Werner, 10 August 2021, 14:48

Thanks to a Taiwanese age rating agency, we learned that a PC version of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, an MMORPG spin-off of the popular Japanese franchise, is being developed.

WoW Community is 'Trash'; Asmongold Seconds the Critics

Jacob Blazewicz, 05 August 2021, 15:38

Asmongold once again criticized World of Warcraft. This time Zack echoed other streamers comparing the game's community and that of Final Fantasy XIV, and made it clear how much the comparison is against WoW.

New World Delayed Once Again; Release in Fall

Jacob Blazewicz, 04 August 2021, 21:17

The release of New World is running away from us again. This time, the team at Amazon Game Studios has decided to dedicate another month to fight bugs and introduce optimization improvements.

Top WoW Youtubers Abandon Blizzard's MMO

Milosz Szubert, 30 July 2021, 19:25

Preach Gaming and MadSeasonShow, some of the biggest YouTube channels covering World of Warcraft, are will no longer create videos about the famous MMORPG. The reason for this is the recent Blizzard controversy and the general condition of the game.

New World Players Do Not Appreciate Rainbow Animals

Przemyslaw Dygas, 29 July 2021, 20:52

New World's beta had a very successful launch and was well received by players. Their irritation, however, was aroused by rainbow animals present in the game.

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragon Expansion Release date and Trailer

Adrian Werner, 28 July 2021, 11:07

We finally got to know the approximate release date of the Guild Wars 2: End of Dragon expansion. The devs also released a trailer for the expansion and revealed some details about its content.

Troublesome References to be Removed From World of Warcraft in the Wake of Blizzard Scandal

Przemyslaw Dygas, 28 July 2021, 11:04

Content that the company believes should not be there in light of recent events will be removed from World Of Warcraft. The action is related to the controversy surrounding Blizzard.

Work on WoW Suspended Amid Harassment Lawsuit and Community Protests

Michal Ciezadlik, 26 July 2021, 13:42

The controversy over the lawsuit against Activision Blizzard continues. Some employees are not happy with the company's policy, which is expected to result in long delays in work on World of Warcraft.

New World Continues to Surprise on Steam

Adrian Werner, 26 July 2021, 10:40

Steam users rushed to buy New World pre-orders to join the closed beta. RimWorld: Ideology and the action game Death's Door also recorded successful debuts.

Wave of Protests in WoW After Reports of Harassment and Mobbing

Michal Ciezadlik, 23 July 2021, 13:03

Allegations of mobbing and sexual harassment at Activision Blizzard are taking their first toll. World of Warcraft community, outraged by the reports, began to organize protests on game servers.

New World Beta Literally Burns RTX 3090 GPUs; Amazon Responds

Iltutmis, 22 July 2021, 13:44

The closed beta of New World, an upcoming MMORPG from Amazon Games, began on July 20. Owners of RTX 3090 GPUs need to be careful, as the game destroyed some users' cards during testing.

New World Beta is a Hot Item on Steam and Twitch

Adrian Werner, 21 July 2021, 11:02

New World's beta has proven to be very popular. The game is performing impressively on Steam and Twitch, and the servers are so full that some players have to wait in queues for hours.

Beta of Amazon's Highly-anticipated New World Begins

Hubert Sledziewski, 20 July 2021, 18:32

Today at 9 AM PT closed beta tests of New World, the long-awaited MMORPG from Amazon Game Studios, have begun. It's a good opportunity to try out the game before the August release.

Final Fantasy XIV Crowded With WoW Players; Server Queues and New Record on Steam

Hubert Sledziewski, 20 July 2021, 16:32

Final Fantasy XIV is experiencing a true renaissance, dethroning the king of previous MMORPGs - World of Warcraft. Getting to the servers or even getting in the queue is quite an achievement. Meanwhile, a new activity record was set on Steam.

MMORPG Hunger on Steam and F1 2021's Excellent Debut

Adrian Werner, 19 July 2021, 11:22

Last week's biggest Steam bestsellers were Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin and F1 2021. Meanwhile, MMORPGs like Sword of Legends Online and New World also did pretty well.

Final Fantasy XIV Sold Out After Square Enix Store Ran Out of Keys

Adam Krolak, 13 July 2021, 12:28

Final Fantasy XIV is growing in popularity. The MMORPG is setting new activity records on Steam, and recently the game sold out in Square Enix store. The success has been partly contributed to by World of Warcraft's problems.

WoW Fans Angry and Disappointed With Conclusion to Sylvanas Thread

Jacob Blazewicz, 09 July 2021, 13:39

World of Warcraft players already got to know the ending of the new raid in the Shadowlands expansion. However, no one is celebrating because the crowning animation of Sanctum of Domination disappointed the fans, especially with the conclusion of Sylvanas Windrunner's thread.

New Raid in WoW Provides (Un)expected Finale to Sylvanas' Saga

Hubert Sledziewski, 07 July 2021, 17:57

As part of Update 9.1, a new raid - Sanctum of Domination - has been added to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. At its end, a clash with Sylvanas Windrunner awaits the players, concluding the heroine's saga. What fate has befallen her? Did the fan theories come true?

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Delayed to 2022

Hubert Sledziewski, 04 July 2021, 20:14

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons has been delayed. The new expansion for the popular MMORPG from ArenaNet will not debut until next year.

Broken Ranks Open Beta Launches

Damian Gacek, 02 July 2021, 12:59

Today marks the launch of the open beta for the MMORPG Broken Ranks. It is a remake of the popular browser game The Pride of Taern.

Legacy of the Sith is the New Expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic

Paul Musiolik, 02 July 2021, 12:15

At the end of the year, SWTOR will receive a new expansion - Legacy of the Sith. In addition to new story content, we can expect improvements in character progression and combat mechanics.

WoW 9.1 Chains of Domination Patch Goes Live; New Simple Feature Becomes a Hit

Hubert Sledziewski, 30 June 2021, 14:48

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands received the Chains of Domination update today. Patch 9.1 introduced, among other things, a new realm, a raid, and the ability to fly. However, players are particularly excited about the Reconnect button.

Chains of Domination Update Coming to WoW

Jacob Blazewicz, 18 June 2021, 20:05

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will finally get a bigger batch of novelties. These will be found in the update 9.1 Chains of Domination, which will also enable us to fly around the locations from the expansion.

23 Minutes of Gameplay From Lost Ark

Paul Musiolik, 13 June 2021, 15:19

The USA and Europe will be able to play Lost Ark at the end of this year. IGN prepared a 23-minute recording showing gameplay footage from the game.

Lost Ark - Hit MMORPG Comes to Europe Thanks to Amazon

Adrian Werner, 10 June 2021, 20:45

Amazon Games has announced that it will release Lost Ark, the hit MRPG that has been triumphing in Asia for the past few years, in Europe and the US.

WoW Classic Player Reaches Level 60 With 60 Characters Before The Burning Crusade Launch

Patrick Kubiak, 10 June 2021, 16:22

About a year and a half - that's how long it took one World of Warcraft Classic player to reach level 60 with 60 characters. The entire challenge was completed before the launch of The Burning Crusade expansion.

The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Launch and Trailer

Hubert Sledziewski, 02 June 2021, 20:26

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood debuted yesterday on PC and Google Stadia. On this occasion, ZeniMax Online published a new trailer. The release on consoles will take place on June 8.

WoW The Burning Crusade Classic Launches

Adrian Werner, 01 June 2021, 12:35

Today will mark the release of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic, an expansion pack for the old-school version of the popular MMORPG from Blizzard Entertainment.

Wave of Bans Precedes the Launch of The Burning Crusade Classic

Jacob Blazewicz, 26 May 2021, 20:21

Blizzard has prepared an unusual surprise for World of Warcraft players. It took the form of a wave of bans for the use of external programs, both connected to bots and enabling the use of a controller in WoW Classic.

WoW Classic Streamer Levels Up Horde Paladin in Record Time

Jacob Blazewicz, 21 May 2021, 13:53

World of Warcraft Classic lived to see the first Horde paladin at max level as part of The Burning Crusade Classic's pre-patch. A dozen hours was all it took for streamer Tommymaze to manage to get a Blood Elf to level 60.

The Burning Crusade Classic Pre-patch Goes Live

Bart Swiatek, 19 May 2021, 12:55

Blizzard Entertainment released another patch for World of Warcraft Classic. This is the so-called pre-patch preparing the game for the release of The Burning Crusade Classic expansion. The release of the update means that players will have to make an important decision regarding their characters.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Launch in November; New Trailer Available

Hubert Sledziewski, 15 May 2021, 13:43

Square Enix unveiled an impressive trailer for Endwalker, a new expansion for the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. The expansion will come out on November 23.

WoW Classic Character Cloning Will be Much Cheaper

Bart Swiatek, 14 May 2021, 17:42

Developers from Blizzard Entertainment decided to significantly reduce the price of character cloning service in WoW Classic. From now on, we will pay less than half the original price.