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microtransactions Latest news (4)

CS:GO - French Gamers Get a Lootbox Scanner With a Catch

Bart Swiatek, 02 October 2019, 11:43

French Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players now have the option - and even the obligation - to scan their equipment boxes before buying them. This feature is likely to have been implemented as a result of planned changes to the Anti-Gambling Act and its use is severely restricted.

Rumor: CoD Modern Warfare Loses Pre-orders Over Controversy?

Darius Matusiak, 30 September 2019, 14:37

Activision and Infinity Ward again discuss the microtransaction formula in the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Recent leaks have reportedly caused a significant drop in number of pre-orders.

Most Expensive Starship in Star Citizen Sold Within Seconds

Konrad Serafinski, 28 September 2019, 20:40

German website GameStar reports that the most expensive spacecraft in the history of Star Citizen was sold withing just a few seconds after it appeared in the store. The item was bought for $1130.

Mario Kart Tour is a Record Mobile Debut With Nasty Microtransactions

Jacob Blazewicz, 28 September 2019, 00:16

Mario Kart Tour's recent debut proved to be record-breaking among mobile games, easily outperforming the previously unbeatable Pokemon GO. Unfortunately, the success of the game was overshadowed by the stink raised by extremely nasty microtransactions.

Leak: CoD Modern Warfare Microtransactions are More Than Cosmetic

Barth Faryna, 26 September 2019, 22:54

Leak from a reliable source appeared on the web, claiming that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare wll feature microtransactions, and not just cosmetic ones. In the boxes players will allegedly find many types of weapons as well as cosmetic items.

Sea of Thieves Opens Store With Microtransaction

Michael Kulakowski, 13 September 2019, 22:12

As announced, Sea of Thieves is making a microtransaction store available to the players. Its offer includes pets, emoticons, and cosmetic items. For the most expensive set, which includes structural elements of our ship, we have to pay around $27.99.

Fallout 76 - Players are Angry About Pricey Fridge

Barth Faryna, 12 September 2019, 16:15

Bethesda has found another way to piss off the few people who remained faithful to Fallout 76. This time, the idea of the players to introduce a refrigerator to the game, where food can be stored, has been used in an ingenious Bethesda way.

NBA 2K20 is the Second Worst Rated Game on Steam

Bart Swiatek, 11 September 2019, 12:06

In just 6 days since its launch, NBA 2K20 has become the second worst rated production on Steam. This is due to the controversial microtransaction system, which is often referred to as a gambling simulator. Players also complain about bugs and a small number of changes compared to the previous part.

NBA 2K20 Launches to Good Expert Reviews and Flak From Gamers

Adrian Werner, 09 September 2019, 10:55

A few days after the launch, it is clear that NBA 2K20 was warmly welcomed by the industry media. The reaction of the gamer themselves, who flooded Steam with negative reviews, is quite different.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mentioned in Guinness World Records

Conrad Hazi, 07 September 2019, 20:37

Star Wars Battlefront 2 from Electronic Arts has received a mention in Guinness World Records. All thanks to the comment of one of the publisher's representatives, whose entry defending the microtransaction collected over 683 thousand downvotes on the Reddit.

PEGI Takes Flak for Lack of Gambling Warning in NBA 2K20

Jacob Blazewicz, 02 September 2019, 20:23

The European PEGI expressed its opinion on the controversy surrounding the microtransaction-filled trailer of NBA 2K20. Under the current criteria of the organization, the game does not contain gambling elements. However, discussions on the subject are ongoing.

NBA 2K20 - MyTeam Mode Trailer is a Microtransaction Nightmare

Adrian Werner, 29 August 2019, 13:00

The MyTeam mode trailer in NBA 2K20 has appeared on the web. The video focuses on microtransactions and looks more like an ad for a casino than a basketball game.

Star Citizen Will Get a Ship Costing Almost 700 Dollars

Bart Swiatek, 26 August 2019, 13:09

The space simulator Star Citizen from Cloud Imperium Games will receive another big ship that can be purchased for real money. The ship, called Aegis Nautilus, is a rather niche product, requires the introduction of a completely new mechanics and costs a whopping 675 dollars.

Kerbal Space Program 2 Without Lootboxes and EGS Exclusivity

Jacob Blazewicz, 22 August 2019, 14:29

Startheory Studio has revealed more details about Kerbal Space Program 2. We won't see any lootboxes in the game, and the title itself won't be a temporary exclusive on Epic Games Store.

Apex Legends Devs Apologize for Microtransactions

Jacob Blazewicz, 18 August 2019, 18:02

Respawn Entertainment has published a press release in connection with the Iron Crown event in Apex Legends. The creators apologized for the new microtransactions and announced some changes.

Apex Legends: Temporary Solo Mode and Expensive Microtransactions

Barth Faryna, 14 August 2019, 23:03

Iron Crown event, and with it temporary solo mode, in which 60 players in the battle royale formula face each other has started in Apex Legends. In addition, the devs have introduced a set of new items to get, including the legendary axe, for which you have to pay a heavy price.

League of Legends - Riot Introduces Paid Achievements, Gamers Riot

Barth Faryna, 14 August 2019, 13:05

With the 9.17 update, League of Legends will be enhanced with a system of achievements based on heroes - the so-called Eternals. There would be nothing controversial about that if it were not for the fact that the only way to get a set of achievements is to buy with the in-game currency, which can only be obtained with real money.

Microtransactions in Black Ops 4 More Profitable Than in CoD: WWII

Bart Swiatek, 09 August 2019, 15:05

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 microtransaction system generates noticeably higher revenues than the one featured in CoD: WWII. The latest installment of the series is also more popular and attracts players for much longer.

Major Publishers Agree to New Rules for Lootboxes in Video Games

Paul Wozniak, 09 August 2019, 14:25

Many game publishers (including EA, Ubisoft and Blizzard) have agreed to new rules for lootboxes imposed by Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo Develop New Policy on Lootboxes

Jacob Blazewicz, 07 August 2019, 22:48

Entertainment Software Association has revealed that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft intend to change their policy on lootboxes. From next year, companies will impose the obligation to provide information about the chances of obtaining specific items from lootboxes in games published on their consoles.

Rocket League Will Abandon Lootboxes

Adrian Werner, 07 August 2019, 12:36

The devs of Rocket League informed that this year lootboxes will disappear from the game. This way, the players will always know what they are buying without having to buy a cat in a sack.

Great Results of Take-Two Interactive

Adrian Werner, 06 August 2019, 19:21

The financial report of Take-Two Interactive for the previous quarter has been published. The publisher achieved impressive revenues, which is mainly due to microtransactions in Grand Theft Auto Online and Red Dead Online.

NBA 2K19 is the Series' Bestseller; Microtransactions Very Popular

Adrian Werner, 06 August 2019, 12:38

NBA 2K19 has sold in 12 million copies, which makes the game the biggest bestseller in the series. The game also makes money from microtransactions.

Bug in Skin Crates Causes Collapse of Team Fortress 2 Economy

Paul Wozniak, 27 July 2019, 23:35

A bug appeared with the latest update for Team Fortress 2, which changed the drop rates of unusual items in some of crates from less than 1% to 100%. A flood of extremely rare skins has led to a market collapse.

Ubisoft is Considering Payments in Cryptocurrencies

Paul Wozniak, 27 June 2019, 16:00

According to the French portal Les Echos Ubisoft has been working on the implementation of blockchain technology in its games for some time now.

Gears 5 - Microtransactions, but no Season Pass, Looboxes or Paid Maps

Milosz Szubert, 21 June 2019, 23:05

The Coalition has announced what the post-release monetization of Gears 5 will look like. We learned that the title will not have a Season Pass, lootboxes and paid maps, but will include microtransactions.

EA Defends Lootboxes: „It's a surprise mechanic.”

Jakub Mirowski, 20 June 2019, 12:33

During a government commission meeting in the UK, a representative of Electronic Arts compared lootboxes to Kinder Surprises and claimed that gamers liked this element of video games.

Mortal Kombat 11 Scores Best Digital Debut in Series' History

Adrian Werner, 22 May 2019, 14:06

Thanks to the SuperData report, we learned that Mortal Kombat 11 found 1.8 million buyers in digital distribution. This is over four times more than Mortal Kombat X.

U.S. Senator Cracks Down on Loot boxes Targeted at Children

Jacob Blazewicz, 08 May 2019, 22:58

American Senator Josh Hawley has announced a proposal for the regulation of microtransactions in games. The law would prohibit the presence of loot boxes and pay-to-win elements in games for people under the age of 18.

Borderlands 3 Without Pay-To-Win Micropayments

Bart Swiatek, 02 May 2019, 12:12

During the stream with the first gameplay from the long-awaited production of Gearbox Software's studio - Borderlands 3, developers informed that we will not be able to buy items for real money that may give any advantage in the game to players.

The Progression System in Mortal Kombat 11 Is an Endless, Random Grind

Bart Swiatek, 24 April 2019, 15:30

Both reviewers and Internet users - members of the Reddit forum, report that the progression system used in Mortal Kombat 11 is extremely unfriendly to players. Acquiring and improving equipment requires a lot of time, and without it, some challenges are practically impossible to overcome.

Numerous Functions in Mortal Kombat 11 Require a Network Connection

Jacob Blazewicz, 17 April 2019, 23:01

Mortal Kombat 11 requires a network connection to unlock a large part of the content. Such rumors appeared on the Internet and were allegedly confirmed by a deleted tweet by one of its creators. In addition, the presence of microtransactions has been confirmed.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Without Microtransactions and Multiplayer

Jacob Blazewicz, 13 April 2019, 23:52

There won't be any microtransaction or multiplayer mode in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Such information was provided by Vince Zampella from Respawn Entertainment, and his words were confirmed by other devs.

FTC Will Investigate Loot Boxes

Bart Swiatek, 11 April 2019, 15:02

This August, the Federal Trade Commission will organize an open workshop on loot boxes and related issues, including their possible negative influence on the behavior of young gamers.

Fortnite Boosts Video Game Sales Among Teenagers

Milosz Szubert, 10 April 2019, 22:59

Piper Jaffray published its usual semi-annual report about teenager spendings in the USA. According to the company, young males spend as much as 14% of their income on video games. Most of this thanks to Fortnite.

Battlefield 5 Introduces Microtransactions in the Form of Virtual Currency

Darius Matusiak, 05 April 2019, 00:46

4 months after the release of Battlefield 5, Electronic Arts introduces microtransactions into the game.

Players Pretend to be Belgian to Trick Apex Legends

Bart Swiatek, 21 March 2019, 16:28

Apex Legends players are pretending to be Belgian to trick Respawn's game into giving them crafting resources instead of some loot boxes.

League of Legends - RP Cost and Refund Policy Update

Jacob Blazewicz, 22 February 2019, 15:42

Riot Games announced an imminent price increase in LoL store. Beginning in March, US gamers will pay from 8 to 11% more, when buying in-game items, depending on their location. What's more, there will some changes to the refund policy.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Gets a Bad Case of Loot Boxes

Bart Swiatek, 21 February 2019, 15:42

The hated loot boxes have just appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. The system enables us to get exp-boosting weapons.

Cyberpunk 2077 Without Microtransactions and Battle Royale

Frozen, 19 February 2019, 15:05

CD Projekt Red has answered some of the community's questions on social media. Those of you who were worried that Cyberpunk 2077 may feature microtransactions and a prominent battle royale mode, may breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Facebook accused of tricking minors into online purchases

Bart Swiatek, 28 January 2019, 12:23

A group of users brought a collective action against Facebook, accusing the company tricking minors into online purchases.

Fortnite Save the World is done with random lootboxs

Adrian Werner, 27 January 2019, 14:26

Random lootbox contents will soon become history in Fortnite Save the World mode. Soon, the players will be able to take a look inside the box.

Anthem's microtransactions are surprisingly modest

Adrian Werner, 23 January 2019, 13:38

The latest batch of news concerning Anthem, the upcoming MMO shooter from BioWare, reveals that also the game's microtransaction will be somewhat different.

Anthem without loot boxes

Bart Swiatek, 14 January 2019, 14:17

A Tweet from Michael Gamble, the lead director of Anthem, has revealed that the game will feature no loot boxes.

Dirty Bomb gets rid of microtransactions

Frozen, 09 January 2019, 17:37

Splash Damage Studio has announced that starting from next week - Dirty Bomb will become completely free from microtransations and the whole business model of this product is going to change.

FIFA 19 madness - players spend millions on ToTY cards

Heros99, 09 January 2019, 17:23

FIFA 19 was the most popular game on Twitch yesterday. All thanks to the Team of the Year. EA decided to release a limited version of the best players of 2018 in January. Last night, the first part of this special team became available.

Pokemon GO earned almost $800 million in 2018

Adrian Werner, 04 January 2019, 11:46

Turns out Pokemon GO is not quite dead yet. The game has recorded a 35% revenue increase compared to last year.

Battlefield 5 with microtransactions in January?

Jacob Blazewicz, 28 December 2018, 14:14

Battlefield V will most probably get microtransaction services in January, 2019. The premium currency is being expected to show up in second half of next month.

Fallout 76 with paid lootboxes and premium cards?

Michael Kulakowski, 16 December 2018, 13:01

Money. Money never changes. And it looks like Fallout 76 is going to be another multiplayer piggy bank. Lootboxes for money? Oh dear.

NBA 2K18 micropayments are way too intrusive, fans say

luckie, 20 September 2017, 13:40

NBA 2K18 players are disappointed with how far micropayments went in the latest entry in the basketball simulation series. Without paying extra it is next to impossible to fully upgrade a myCareer player.