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hack'n'slash Latest news (3)

Blizzard Continues to Convince Players That Diablo 4's Launch Will be Smooth

Maciej Gaffke, 31 May 2023, 14:04

Blizzard assures that it is prepared for the upcoming launch of Diablo 4. The game's director, however, cautions that there may be initial problems.

Explore Sacred Silver Mine in V Rising

Aleksander Kartasinski, 29 May 2023, 16:00

Secrets of Gloomrot not only added new areas to the game but also updated some old ones. Here you will learn more about what can be found in Sacred Silver Mine in V Rising.

Diablo 4 is Spposed to be for Everyone (Adult); Accessibility Options

Adrian Werner, 21 May 2023, 23:29

Blizzard Entertainment has revealed the rich accessibility options that Diablo 4 will offer.

New Content for Diablo Immortal's First Anniversary; New Class and Region

Marcin Przala, 19 May 2023, 16:11

Blizzard will soon celebrate the first anniversary of the mobile game Diablo Immortal. To mark the occasion, a ton of new content will be coming to the game, including a new character class and region.

Diablo 4 Launch Hours on Fan-made Map

Jacob Blazewicz, 19 May 2023, 13:03

Blizzard is not in a hurry to release its own infographic and fans had to prepare their own map with Diablo IV release times (including early access).

Diablo 4's Launch Gameplay Trailer is Phenomenal, There's Even Billie Eilish

Jacob Blazewicz, 18 May 2023, 11:50

Diablo 4's latest gameplay trailer effectively builds hype for the game, although some fans feel that Blizzard dropped the ball when it came to choosing the music.

Diablo 4 Won't be Pay-to-win, Says Rod Fergusson and Announces Something Cool [UPDATE]

Adam Celarek, 17 May 2023, 10:44

One of the developers of the Diablo series has shared new information related to the highly anticipated game. The developer mentions lore, the druid class and monetization.

Blizzard is Confident the Servers Will Hold and Diablo 4 Launch Will be Smooth

Marcin Przala, 17 May 2023, 10:40

The developers of Diablo 4 argue that past tests have enabled them to fine-tune the game's servers enough to withstand the premiere onslaught of players.

What is Diablo 4 Actually About? New Video Provides Answer

Adam Celarek, 16 May 2023, 13:53

Developers from Blizzard Entertainment are heating up the atmosphere ahead of the release of Diablo 4. In a new promotional material, they show the storyline background of the latest installment.

Diablo 4 Fans Hope for This Change; Playing 'in Small Room' is Killing Them

Adrian Werner, 14 May 2023, 19:24

Diablo 4's second open beta has been generally warmly received. However, players are complaining heavily about the claustrophobic camera settings.

Blizzard on Right Track? Diablo 4 Beta Receives a Lot of Praise

Adrian Werner, 14 May 2023, 14:37

The second open beta of Diablo 4 has been very much liked by the players. In particular, a number of favorable changes compared to previous tests have been praised.

Diablo 4's Necromancer Got the Short Straw; Players are Furious

Adrian Werner, 14 May 2023, 13:18

The ongoing Diablo 4 open beta has introduced many changes. Not all of them have been warmly received, with players mainly complaining about how weak the necromancer has become.

Diablo 4 Beta Launches Today - Everything You Should Know

Kamil Kleszyk, 12 May 2023, 16:22

Less than a month before the release of Diablo 4, Blizzard Entertainment has prepared a second round of open beta testing of the game for fans. So we have gathered all the most important information about the event.

Free Hack'n'slash With Fake Reviews on Steam? They Sound Like Advertisements

Sonia Selerska, 12 May 2023, 15:19

Internet users have launched an investigation into suspicious reviews on Steam. The results of the investigation are not optimistic.

Prepare for Diablo 4 Beta; Download the Game Early

Michal Ciezadlik, 11 May 2023, 16:02

The next Diablo 4 tests will kick off on Friday evening, and fans can prepare for the event now - by downloading the game files in advance.

Here's What's in Store for Us After Diablo 4's Release; Plenty to Spend Money On

Jacob Blazewicz, 11 May 2023, 13:35

Blizzard Entertainment has given an approximate launch date for the first season of Diablo IV and summarized what players can expect shortly after the game's release.

Old-new Diablo 4 Trailer Reminds of Second Open Beta Being Just Around the Corner

Jacob Blazewicz, 09 May 2023, 00:33

A fresh trailer for Diablo IV doesn't show much new, but it effectively builds hype ahead of the next beta testing and release.

Players Rate Changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected; Suggest an Intern Made Them

Michal Serwicki, 08 May 2023, 14:52

The fourth season of Diablo 2: Resurrected has begun, and with it the game has received the highly anticipated update 2.7. Among the changes is one that has a truly significant impact on gameplay and ranked competition. Unfortunately, not everything Blizzard delivered was to the liking of players.

Diablo 4 Will Flood Us With Mounts, Some of Them Look Bizarre

Marcin Przala, 04 May 2023, 14:50

We have learned the appearance of the mounts that will debut at the release of Diablo IV. There are quite a few of them, and some of them look quite peculiar.

Sad Amazon MMO Fans Lose Cherished Meeting and Conversation Space

Jacob Blazewicz, 27 April 2023, 14:49

New World and Lost Ark players are furious with Amazon for its decision to shut down the official forums for these games.

Diablo 4 Will Let Us Skip the Campaign on One Condition

Adrian Werner, 27 April 2023, 14:27

Blizzard Entertainment has confirmed that Diablo 4 will feature an option to skip the campaign, although it won't be available from the start.

Diablo 4 May See Return of Well-liked Upgrade System From Diablo 2

Kamil Kleszyk, 27 April 2023, 13:00

The release of Diablo 4 is approaching. In connection with this, the developers are providing us with more and more - often ambiguous - information about the upcoming game. With this one they made a statement about the runic words known from the second installment.

This Minor Change Could Make or Break Your Diablo 4 Experience

Jacob Blazewicz, 24 April 2023, 15:02

Blizzard listened to players and made a minor change to the game's interface. It's just a shame that some fans preferred the beta test version.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Running From Diablo 4; New Season Earlier Than Expected

Agnes Adamus, 23 April 2023, 22:06

We have learned the start date for season 4 of Diablo 2 Resurrected. Blizzard announced that it will start in less than two weeks.

Diablo 4 Won't be Pulling Punches in Hardcore PVP; Die and You'll be Deleted

Jacob Blazewicz, 21 April 2023, 15:14

Hardcore mode in Diablo IV will be risky for PvP fans, but could drive audiences for streamers.

How to Unlock Skins in The Mageseeker

Damian Gacek, 19 April 2023, 00:11

In this guide we will tell you how to unlock skins from The Mageseeker Deluxe Edition. If they are not working, you will get them with us.

Diablo 4 Without Element That Was the Foundation in Diablo 1 and 2

Jakub Tarchala, 17 April 2023, 14:56

Diablo IV will not offer an essential element that has been present in the series since the dawn of time. It's a shame, because (albeit in a simplified form) it was also present in Diablo 3.

Dark and Darker - Locust Swarm Explained; Is It an Exploit?

Damian Gacek, 17 April 2023, 12:05

In this guide we will talk about Locusts Swarm in Dark and Darker. It is a new and powerful Cleric’s spell.

Split Beast in PoE Explained

Adam Adamczyk, 13 April 2023, 13:57

In PoE, you can use Blood Altar, which enables you to use the Split an item into two. You need a special beast for this. You can learn more about it in the guide below.

Here's How Long it Takes to Complete Battle Pass in Diablo 4

Adrian Werner, 13 April 2023, 13:35

We have learned how many hours of fun the battle pass will provide in Diablo 4. Players can get ready for a long haul.

Diablo 4 Will Receive New Story Content Every 3 Months

Kamil Kleszyk, 12 April 2023, 16:19

Diablo fans will not be able to complain about a lack of attractions after the release of the latest installment. The game's director confirmed that the game will regularly receive additional content, including story.

How to Get and Use Igneous Geode in PoE

Aleksander Kartasinski, 11 April 2023, 13:39

In this guide we will talk about Igneous Geode in PoE. Read our article to learn more about it.

POE Crucible Countdown is Available; Check When the Update Will Be Released

Damian Gacek, 06 April 2023, 23:07

It is possible to check the countdown for POE Crucible Update. You can learn here the exact time of the release.

Diablo 4 Launch Schedule Revealed

Jacob Blazewicz, 06 April 2023, 12:38

Not all gamers will be waiting for Diablo IV until June 6.

Here's What the Devs Say About Diablo 4 Endgame; New Video

Agnes Adamus, 06 April 2023, 11:55

Blizzard unveiled a video on Diablo 4's endgame, revealing that the developers have prepared a lot of activities for those who have successfully completed the main storyline.

Story in Diablo Has Never Been Black-and-White, But Only Diablo 4 Really Takes It For Real

Hubert Sosnowski, 01 April 2023, 14:10

Diablo almost always exuded darkness, but brought seemingly binary morality. Spoiler: it was never really like that. This world was drowning in a sea of grayness from the beginning. However, only Diablo 4 really taps into this moral ambiguity.

I'm Not Buying Diablo 4 on Release. I Still Don't Trust Activision-Blizzard

Zbigniew Woznicki, 30 March 2023, 13:19

Diablo 4 looks like a decent follow-up to one of my favorite series. The atmosphere in it is thick, the story seems adequately developed. Still, I don't see myself buying the game on release day.

Comparison of Diablo 4 and 3 - What Players Noted

Michal Serwicki, 27 March 2023, 15:48

Diablo 4 beta is coming to an end. Social media and forums are flooded with waves of excitement, but there is also no shortage of criticism about what Blizzard still needs to improve. Many gamers evaluate the latest installment compared to Diablo 3, and it's this aspect that we're highlighting this time.

Diablo 4 - How to Fix Run Out of Memory Error

Agnes Adamus, 24 March 2023, 17:29

Players participating in the Diablo 4 beta may experience the Run Out of Memory error. Here you will learn what causes this error and how to resolve it.

Rewards for Participating in Diablo 4 Beta

Agnes Adamus, 24 March 2023, 15:20

When taking part in the Diablo 4 beta, you can unlock various rewards. Here you can find out how to get them.

How to Change Weapons in Diablo 4?

Agnes Adamus, 24 March 2023, 10:00

Diablo 4 beta has a rather non-obvious way to change weapons. You can find out how to do it here.

How to Show Fps in Diablo 4; FPS Counter Explained

Agnes Adamus, 24 March 2023, 03:00

If you want to check the fps count in Diablo 4, you can find out how to do it here. Easy way to see an FPS Counter.

After the Beta, I'm Sure I'll Play Diablo 4 for the Story!

Krzysztof Lewandowski, 20 March 2023, 13:48

It's too early for definitive judgments, but after what I saw in the beta, Diablo 4 seems to bring an intriguing story. Some of the game's elements may be questionable, but the story itself, and the way it is constructed, seems fantastic.

Diablo 4 Beta Essential Info [Update: Preload]

Michal Ciezadlik, 15 March 2023, 18:48

Diablo 4's open beta is fast approaching. We have collected for you all the essential information about the upcoming tests, including schedule, content and system requirements.

Num Lock Trick in Last Epoch; Autocast Explained

Agnes Adamus, 15 March 2023, 15:56

There is a trick in Last Epoch that enables you to toggle autocast. In this guide you will learn how the num lock trick works.

Hack'n'slash Wolcen Gets a Major Patch

Adrian Werner, 15 March 2023, 13:31

RPG Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has received a major patch. The update was warmly received and significantly improved the game's activity scores. In addition, today the game finally hit consoles.

PoE and Diablo Competitor Catches Second Wind on Steam

Adrian Werner, 13 March 2023, 13:50

The popularity of Last Epoch has exploded on Steam. This is thanks to a new patch and the included mode that the players have been waiting for for years.

Last Epoch - Experience and Death Penalty Explained

Adam Adamczyk, 13 March 2023, 11:22

Do you lose experience by dting in Last Epoch and is there an xp penalty when fighting high-level enemies? That's what you'll find out in this guide.

Diablo 4 Open Beta Schedule; New Cinematic Trailer

Kamil Kleszyk, 19 February 2023, 23:41

The second day of the IGN Fan Fest 2023 event brought us a handful of information on the highly anticipated Diablo IV. In addition to the presentation of a new cinematic trailer, we learned when the game's open beta testing starts.

Diablo 2: Resurrected Update 2.6 Goes Live

Jacob Blazewicz, 16 February 2023, 12:11

Offline Terror Zones are one of the new features in the update 2.6 for Diablo II: Resurrected. There are also eight new runic words.