Where to Find Garlic in Bellwright
If you are looking for Garlic in Bellwright, we have a map which will help you. Read our guide to learn more.
Food is crucial thing to survive. You can have a lot of Tin, Copper and Iron, but you can’t eat it! If you want to boost your character in Bellwright, it is a good idea to prepare various meals. To complete them, it may be useful to have some Garlic. However, this plant is quite well hidden, not in such an obvious place as Wheat. No, you will have to search for it quite thoroughly… or read our article.
Where to Find Garlic in Bellwright
Garlic is delicious (in real life) and quite elusive in Bellwright. This plant can be easily unnoticed among other green elements of the surrounding, as it is represented by a delicate flower easy to miss.
Luckily, these vegetables can be found in a quite safe place. Go east from the Padstow village. Garlic can be found around a small lake which is there situated. At the same time, you will be able to get some River Reeds, as they are also in this area. However. if you need a lot of them, we recommend a better place in the article linked above.
While the above location is not as dangerous as many others in Bellwright, you should not feel completely safe, as there are some bandits in the neighborhood. However, it may be a good idea to kill some, to take their Straps. Think about it.
It is probably not the only source of Garlic on the map. Of course, if you want someone to help you, it is possible to invite friends. However, as of now, there is no crossplay.
More:Where to Find Iron in Bellwright (Map)