Where can you stream Napoleon movie and is an extended cut available?
Napoleon movie is available for streaming. Now you can stream Ridley Scott much-hyped spectacle.
Many people had high hopes for Napoleon. Viewers wanted to see Joaquin Phoenix in an epic, captivating production, and Ridley Scott himself certainly wanted to make a hit. Unfortunately, the 2023 movie is one of the more poorly rated in the famous director's career. After the reviews of the spectacle were published, many viewers decided not to see it in theaters. However, the film has now made its way to streaming.
Where can you stream the Napoleon movie?
Napoleon is available on Apple TV+. The platform also offers additional materials showing the behind-the-scenes of the spectacle. Soon, a director's cut will also be available on the service, but it is not yet known exactly when.
Napoleon is a production that disappointed. On Rotten Tomatoes, only 58% of critics and 59% of viewers rated it positively. Opinions are divided, but even those who liked the film find many flaws in it. The production was criticized for historical inaccuracies. Some describe the film as captivating, others – boring. Some reviewers appreciate the director's skill visible in the battle scenes, while others argue that it's hard to get engaged in the story. However, everyone agrees that Joaquin Phoenix delivered a sensational performance.
The film tells the story of one of the most famous and greatest world leaders. Scott portrays Napoleon Bonaparte, but focuses not only on his role as a commander. It brings viewers closer to the character's path to the top, allowing a glimpse into his psyche. An important aspect of the film is the portrayal of Napoleon's relationship with his beloved Joséphine played by Vanessa Kirby.
Napoleon is now available on Apple TV+.
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- Apple TV+
- historical films