Warzone PC Players Have It Better Than Console Users; Dispute Continues
There is an ongoing dispute between console and PC players in CoD: Warzone. The former complain about the locked field of view, while on PC it's a variable option that can give you an advantage.

- Console CoD: Warzone players demand the ability to change the field of view in the game;
- They currently play at the default 80 degrees, while PC gamers can set any value between 60 and 120;
- Because Warzone features crossplay, the difference in FoV may give PC players an advantage;
- It is speculated that the game will receive this functionality on consoles after the next-gen update, which is expected to come with the release of CoD: Vanguard.
The internet forums dedicated to CoD: Warzone are witnessing another episode of the PC-console war. This time the bone of contention is FoV (Field of View). Console owners have FoV locked at the default 80 degrees, while PC players can modify the field of view between 60 and 120 degrees. What does this mean in practice? A larger FoV means that more of the environment fits on the screen, and movement feels quicker and smoother. This has its pros and cons, but most gamers say the more the merrier.
And because Warzone offers crossplay, PC gamers can exploit these differences against PS4 and Xbox One players.
Below is a Warzone youtuber's video on the subject, showing the differences in FoV:
A graphic comparing the different field of view settings has also appeared on Reddit, featuring the following commentary:
"FOV field of view options should be for everyone. It’s literally 1/3 more peripheral vision like wtf.. pc users get such a advantage it’s disgusting," writes user here4funn77

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/q60ojt/fov_field_of_view_options_should_be_for_everyone/
Admittedly, with the arrival of Call of Duty: Vanguard Warzone may get a next-gen update that will include the option to change the field of view, as this will be implemented in the upcoming WWII installment. Confirmation from the developers, however, is nowhere to be found, and console Warzone players vent their dissatisfaction on Twitter, among other places.
Below are some selected comments from upset gamers:
FOV slider on console please," writes Genie 93
"An now next gen update with fov slider for warzone," demands samfischer354
Finally, there are comments to be quoted that tone down the atmosphere a bit and remind that field of view is not everything:
"Y'all act like getting 120 FoV will make y'all Huskers or something lol
I'm not saying it isn't an advantage but I just don't think it would make _most_ players in this sub that much better. In fact, it may make them worse because it is more difficult to see enemies at distance," writes Reddit user its_k1llsh0t
"Yeah there's a fine balance between being able to see more of your surroundings and feeling like you are playing in a fish bowl. I play at around 105-107. Anything more and I find it harder to track targets," claims Reddit user rad0909
Will Activision do something about the difference between FoV on PC and consoles? It's hard to say; at this point there's no hard evidence that anyone would want to make such changes. Gamers can only wait for the release of Vanguard as perhaps something will change with it. And that will be on November 5.