Kitsch on Steam - Wars & Roses Attracts With Guns and Beautiful Women
Combining a tactical shooter with a dating simulator sounds very bizarre, but it happened. Wars & Roses celebrates its „success” on Steam as a shoddy attempt to attract gamers with women - it already been hailed as the worst game of the beginning of the year.
Wars & Roses is a strange genre mix. The developer and publisher of the game is BlazeWorlds, and the game is advertised as a combination of tactical FPS and dating sim. We fight terrorism alongside beautiful women, and after a successful mission we deal with male-female relationships. It all sounds very surreal, but the player interest is surprisingly high - at the hottest moment of the release day more than 4000 people decided to give the game a chance. The game was released on January 21 on Steam and is jokingly referred to as the worst game of the beginning of 2022.
It is not an outstanding game and mostly attracts players with beautiful screenshots showing the female companions. Bugs and errors are encountered at every step and the "tactical" gameplay is very simplified and consists only in sending girls to a specific place (although they do not always listen to our commands). The title seems to be primarily a great material for youtubers. For example, on the GmanLives channel you can find a video that neatly summarizes and shows the ills of Wars & Roses. We also tracked down that the game uses at least one asset from the Unity Store. See for yourself:
A tactical-drama FPS is a title that doesn't have much to offer. Above all, it shows that such trick can work, is viable, and achieve the intended effect. Although we don't expect the game to live long, thanks to online content creators it may become a meme.