Darktide 1.0 - Penances List; Get Cosmetics!

On this page you will learn all about Penances in Darktide. You will find out how to get them. You will also unlock Cosmetics.

Damian Gacek

Every day, tens of thousands of players play Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. Even though there has not yet been an official launch of this production. Therefore, it is worth discussing its most important mechanics. In this article, we will tell you all about Penances.

It is worth noting that Warhammer 40K: Darktide is still under development, so the following list of Penances may become outdated in the future.

If you are curious about other Darktide topics, please see our guide - Warhammer 40K: Darktide Guide.

Basic Information

Penances are a kind of in-game achievement. You receive Penance Points for them. Unfortunately, at the moment they mainly serve as a measure of your progress. However, this does not mean that you get nothing for your efforts. Many Penances will bring you Cosmetics and Trinkets as a reward.

We have provided a list of all the Penances below. You will unlock them for accomplishments in the game - defeating opponents, various exceptional behaviours and proving your skills. You may notice that some Penances have numbers next to them. This means that the achievement in question has levels.

For Penances with multiple stages, the rewards change as you progress. For example, if an achievement starts with an upper body as a reward for the first level, for the next one you can get a lower body.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Circle of Trust (1, frame) – Complete Path of Trust chapter 1;
  2. Call to Arms – Complete Basic Training;
  3. Don’t Let Me Down, Criminal – Complete the Prologue;
  4. Two’s Company – Reach Trust Level 30 with 2 classes;
  5. Unconsidered Trifles – Unlock your first Curio slot;
  6. Well met, Whippersnapper – Unlock access to Sire Melk’s Requisitiorium.
  7. Hail the Omnissiah! – Unlock access to the Shrine of the Omnissiah.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Got a Bone to Pick (1, upper body) – Reach Trust Level 5 as a Skullbreaker;
  2. Built Like a Tank (1) – Complete 25 Missions as a Skullbreaker;
  3. Beat-‘em-Up (frame) – As a Skullbreaker, complete at least one Mission of each type;
  4. I’m in Charge (lower body) – Use Bull Rush to interrupt a Plague Ogryn’s charge;
  5. Something in Your Eye (upper body) – Kill a Corruptor by hitting it in the eye with your grenade box;
  6. Friends Will be Friends (lower body) – Stay in Coherency with a living teammate at all times during a full Mission on Malice Threat or higher;
  7. Gone Bowling (upper body) – Knock down 70 enemies with a single Bull Rush on Malice Threat or higher;
  8. Don’t Stop Me Now! (lower body) – Move 40 metres with Bull Rush in under 20s on Heresy Threat or higher;
  9. Heavyweight Champion (upper body) – On Heresy Threat or higher, knock down 6 enemy Ogryns (Bulwarks, Crushers, Plague Ogryns, and/or Reapers) with a single Bull Rush charge;
  10. Bone ‘Ead (1, head) – Complete the following Penances as a Skullbreaker: Got a Bone to Pick (4), Beat-‘em-Up, Built Like a Tank (1), Something in Your Eye, I’m in Charge.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Maniacal Laughter (1, upper body) – Reach Trust level 5 as a Preacher;
  2. Doomseeker (1) – Complete 25 Missions as a Preacher;
  3. Praise the God-Emperor! (frame) – As a Preacher, complete at least one Mission of each type;
  4. Buying Time (lower body) – Using a Stun Grenade, hit an enemy sniper more than 40 metres away;
  5. Abhor the Mutant (upper body) – While Dashing with Chastise The Wicked, kill a Mutant with a Melee Attack;
  6. Shocking Stuff (lower body) – On a Malice Threat or higher, kill 40 enemies stunned by your grenades, within 10s;
  7. Up Close and Personal (upper body) – Complete a full Mission on Malice Threat or Higher without firing a shot;
  8. There is Nothing But the Abyss (lower body) – On Heresy threat or higher, heal a hull health with life gained solely from the Holy Revenant Feat after it triggers;
  9. Just A Flesh Wound (upper body) – Complete a full mission of Heresy Threat or higher in under 20 minutes, with less than a Wound’s worth of Health remaining for 75% of the time;
  10. Sainted Path (1, head) – Complete the Following Penances as the Preacher – Maniacal Laughter (4), Praise the God-Emperor!, Doomseeker (1); Abhor the Mutant, Buying Time.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Mind over Matter (1, upper body) – Reach Trust level 5 as a Psykinetic;
  2. Lifeleech (1) – Complete 25 Missions as a Psykinetic;
  3. Mind Over Matter (frame) – As a Psychinetic, complete at least one Mission of each type;
  4. Not Even Close (lower body) – Kill a pouncing Pox Hound with Brain Burst;
  5. Cliffhanger (upper body) – Kill 7 enemies within 2s by knocking them off a ledge;
  6. Warp Battery (lower body) – While on Malice Threat or higher, in a single session maintain maximum warp charges for 300s;
  7. Going Out With a Bang (upper body) – While on Malice Threat or higher, kill 3 elite enemies with a single Perils of the Warp explosion;
  8. Pick n’ Mix (lower body) – While on Heresy threat or higher, use Brain Burst to kill 5 different Elite or Specialist enemies within 12s;
  9. Malleus Monstronum (upper body) – While on Heresy threat or higher kill a Monstrosity after damaging 90% of its health with your Brain Burst;
  10. Kinetic Killer (1, head) – Complete the Following Penances as the Psykinetic: Mind over Matter (4), Mind Over Matter, Lifeleech (1), Cliffhanger, Not Even Close.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. I Love the Militarum! (1, upper body) – Reach Trust level 5 as a Sharpshooter;
  2. Through The Mud (1) – Complete 25 Missions as a Sharpshooter;
  3. Vantage Point (frame) – As a Sharpshooter, complete at least one Mission of each type;
  4. Marked For Death (lower body) – During a single use of Volley Fire, hit enemy Weak Spots 4 times using a weapon’s Secondary Action, without missing a shot;
  5. Long Bomb (upper body) – Hit 5 enemies with a Frag Grenade without it bouncing;
  6. One In the Chamber (lower body) – Kill 5 enemies with the last round in your clip during a single Mission on Malice Threat or higher;
  7. On Overwatch (upper body) – Complete a Mission on Malice Threat or higher without taking any melee damage;
  8. Deadeye (lower body) – On Heresy Threat or higher, during a single use of Volley Fire, kill 5 highlighted enemies with Weak Spot hits whilst using a weapon’s Secondary Action;
  9. Make Every Shot Count (upper body) – Complete a Mission on Heresy Threat or higher with no Ammo remaining, and 100% accuracy;
  10. On Target (1, head) – Complete the Following Penances as the Sharpshooter: I Love the Militarum! (4), Vantage Point, Through The Mud (1), Long Bomb, Marked For Death.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Traitorous Collective – Kill every type of Scab enemy;
  2. Renegade Master – Kill 10 of each Scab Specialist enemy;
  3. Elitist – Kill 10 of each Scab elite enemy;
  4. Scab Picker (1, frame) – Kill 1000 Scabs;
  5. Blowout – Kill 10 Bombers with melee attacks;
  6. Hard Labour – Kill 10 Scab Maulers without using Headshots;
  7. Cull the Traitors (trinket) – Complete the following Scab Penances: Renegade Master, Elitist, Traitorous Collective, Scab Picker (5), Blowout, Hard Labour;
  8. Lex Triumphant – Kill 10 of each Dreg Specialist;
  9. Lex Vigilant - Kill 10 of each Dreg elite enemy;
  10. Dreg Cleanser - Kill every type of Dreg;
  11. Dreg Hunter (1) - Kill 1000 Dregs;
  12. Decapitation Protocol – Kill 10 Dreg Ragers with Headshots;
  13. Purge the Heretics (trinket) – Complete the following Dreg Penances: Lex Triumphant, Lex Vigilant, Dreg Cleanser, Dreg Hunter (5), Decapitation Protocol;
  14. Nightmare Patrol – Kill 10 of each type of Terror Specialist;
  15. Purification Protocol – Kill 10 Elite Terrors;
  16. Banishement – Kill every type of Terror;
  17. Purgator (1) – Kill 1000 Poxwalkers and other Terrors of the warp;
  18. Bullying the Bully – Kill 10 Reapers in melee;
  19. Cleanse the Taint (trinket) – Complete the following Terror Penances: Nightmare Patrol, Purification Protocol, Banishement, Purgator (5), Bullying the Bully.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Raiding Party (1) – Complete 50 Raid missions;
  2. Seek, Locate, Destroy (1) – Complete 50 Assassination missions;
  3. No Stone Unturned (1) – Complete 50 Investigation missions;
  4. Disruptive Behaviour (1) - Complete 50 Disruption missions;
  5. Strike Force (1) - Complete 50 Strike missions;
  6. Master of Intrigue – Complete 50 Espionage missions;
  7. Omnissiah’s Hand - Complete 50 Repair missions;
  8. First Assignment (frame) – Complete 100 Missions;
  9. Auspex Drill (1) – Scan 10 Auspex targets;
  10. Interrogator (1) – Complete 10 successful data-interrogations;
  11. Adapt to the Environment (1) – Complete 1 Special Condition Missions;
  12. Stand by for Action (1) – Complete 1 Flash Missions;
  13. Rapid Response – Complete a Flash Mission on Damnation difficulty;
  14. Flawless Interrogator – Complete a Data Interrogation without an incorrect auspex entry;
  15. Inquisitorial Recruit (frame) – Complete each Mission type on Sedition Threat or higher;
  16. Mission Improbable (trinket) – Complete the following Mission Penances: Raiding Party (2), Seek, Locate, Destroy (2), No Stone Unturned (2), Disruptive Behaviour (2), Strike Force (2), Master of Intrigue (2), Omnissiah’s Hand (2).


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Time to Die (1) – Kill a Monstrosity in 60 seconds or less;
  2. Dodge this (1) – Kill 3 enemies with Headshot within 10 seconds;
  3. Purge the Heretic (1) – Kill 1000 enemies in total;
  4. Serial Killer – Kill 20 consecutive enemies with headshot;
  5. Frenzied Killer (1) – Kill 60 enemies in 30 seconds;
  6. Flyswatter – Kill 50 climbing enemies;
  7. Attack, Attack, Attack! (trinket) – Complete the following Offence Penances: Purge the Heretic (2), Serial Killer, Time to Die (2), Frenzied Killer (2), Flyswatter, Dodge This (2).


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. The Emperor Protects (1) – Block 400 damage in 10 seconds;
  2. Preternatural Dodge (1) – Dodge 7 attacks without taking damage;
  3. Flawless Execution (1) – Complete 5 missions in a row without being downed on Malice difficulty or higher;
  4. Zigging and Zagging – Dodge a total of 99 shots by sprinting;
  5. Figure Four – Use your slide to avoid an enemy attack;
  6. Violent Tendencies – Regenerate 40000 Toughness from melee kills;
  7. Untouchable – Complete a Mission without taking any Health damage;
  8. Case for the Defence (trinket) – Complete the following Defence Penances: The Emperor Protects (2), Preternatural Dodge (2), Flawless Execution (1), Zigging and Zagging, Figure Four, Violent Tendencies, Untouchable.


The achievements for which you will receive Cosmetics and Trinkets awards have been bolded.

  1. Buddy Up – Replenish 2000 Toughness from Coherency;
  2. War’s Not Over (1, frame) – Rescue a total of 10 Operatives;
  3. Up and at ‘Em! (1) – Help 10 downed Operatives back up;
  4. Dream Team (frame) – Complete 100 missions without anyone being downed;
  5. Leave No One Behind – Complete a Mission having revived 3 different Operatives at least once;
  6. Discipline & Teamwork (1) – Share 25 ammo or health packs;
  7. Good Samaritan (trinket) – Complete the following Team Penances: War’s Not Over (3), Up and at ‘Em! (3). Dream Team, Buddy Up, Discipline & Teamwork (3).

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

November 30, 2022

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Damian Gacek

Author: Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with Gamepressure.com since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.

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