Another Intelligence Fail on War Thunder Forum; More Secret Military Documents Leaked
Some fans of War Thunder continue to share secret military documents. This time, the forum moderation reacted quickly and removed the published message about the Eurofighter Typhoon DA7 jet fighter.

Developers of popular free-to-play game War Thunder have been facing a rather unusual data leak problem for quite some time now. However, it is not about the information published on the Internet about the game itself, but about the sharing of secret documents containing details about military hardware.
Not long ago another War Thunder fan posted a message on the game's official forum that included a 730-page document about the Eurofighter Typhoon DA7 jet fighter. By publishing this data, he hoped that the developers would thus be able to add the machine to the game and reproduce it as accurately as possible. However, that's not what happened - the forum's moderation quickly responded, deleting the entry and reminding about the forum's rules.
Most likely, the disclosed information came from the available paid manuals, which are marked "NATO Restricted" and "NATO Unclassified". Posting such a message was therefore against the rules of the War Thunder, forum as the data was not fully declassified.

As mentioned above, this is not the first such situation with the release of classified information by some fans wanting to see their favorite machines in the game. Previously, for example, there was a lot of noise about the publication of materials on tanks Challenger 2 or Leclerc.
Some players somewhat jokingly comment, that the War Thunder forum has become a kind of "black market", where you can learn a lot of secret things about tanks, helicopters or aircraft. However, it is difficult to hope that the situation will change, and desperate fans will stop making fools of themselves and won't share sensitive information in the future.