Ubisoft and Riot Join Forces in Crackdown on Toxic Players

The „Zero Damage Communication Project” will increase the fun of multiplayer games. This is the promise made by two giants of electronic entertainment - Ubisoft and Riot Games.

Jakub Tarchala

Toxic behavior in multiplayer games harms everyone - players and developers alike. Riot Games and Ubisoft have decided to join forces to improve the standard for detecting harmful behavior. The result of the cooperation is expected to be seen next year.

Fighting together for the joy of gameplay

Details of the project can be found on Riot's official website. The program has taken the name "Zero Harm Communication," and its goal is to combine the technological expertise of both giants to create a common database. The information is to be collected during the gameplay by a customized ecosystem to help artificial intelligence detect and mitigate destructive behavior. The information is to be deleted over time.

Ubisoft also shared the news about the start of the collaboration. Wesley Kerr, head of technology research at Riot, commented on the project:

"Disruptive behavior is not a problem specific to video games - every company with an online social platform is working on a solution for this challenging space. That's why we're committed to working with industry partners like Ubisoft, who believe in creating safe communities and fostering positive online experiences. This project is just an example of the broader commitment and work we are doing across Riot to develop systems that ensure healthy, safe and inclusive interactions with our players."

Harmful behavior among gamers is a huge problem, which forces developers to impose permanent bans or to look for softer solutions. However, the most effective method will always be improving your own behavior in order to enjoy playing with other players more.

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Jakub Tarchala

Author: Jakub Tarchala

He started by producing content on YouTube in 2020, but eventually found out writing was his real jam. He set up a modest blog where he published video game reviews, and two years later combined his work with his hobby and started writing for Gamepressure. He loves Terry Pratchett's offbeat sense of humor and the philosophical mysteries of the universe embedded in Stanislaw Lem's novels. He enjoys watching comedies and horror movies. He has a profound affection for the Stalker universe (electronic, written, and pasted). In his spare time he plays guitar and collects Marvel cards.

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