Promising Strategy Game Two Point Campus Delayed by 84 Days
The release of Two Point Campus has been delayed. The strategy game will launch less than three months later than originally expected.
Two Point Campus suffered a delay. The release will not take place in May, as it was originally planned, and we will have to wait for it almost three months longer. The title will launch on August 9. At the same time the creators also published a new video, containing fragments of gameplay, which you can watch below.
As stated by the creators in the official announcement, the reason for the postponement is the desire to polish the title. Their goal is to prepare the best possible product, which will run smoothly on all target platforms.
It is worth reminding that Two Point Campus is a strategy game, which is, in a way, a successor to Two Point Hospital. We will play the role of a university director, and our goal will be to expand the facility by erecting more buildings, hiring employees and provide high level of education. The title is coming to PC, PS4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch - will launch on all platforms on the same day.
More:Two Point Campus - Microsoft Store Reveals Successor to Two Point Hospital