Total War: Rome II With New Campaign Thanks to Divide et Impera Mod
Divide et Impera, the most important mod for Total War: Rome II, has received a major update. Among other things, it introduces a new campaign.

This year the strategy game Total War: Rome II will celebrate its tenth birthday, but it remains very popular - just to mention that yesterday's activity record on Steam was six thousand users playing simultaneously. Much of the credit for this goes to the fans, who, with the help of mods, continue to develop the game. The most important of them, Divide et Impera, recently got a new version.
What does the mod offer?
- The mod improves virtually every element of the game and expands it with new elements, including additional campaigns and units.
- The project thoroughly reworks the gameplay balance and unit stats, so that the whole thing is more challenging and at the same time better reflects the historical truth - among other things, the size of the army has been improved, and formations behave as they would in real life.
- Morale and fatigue systems have also been heavily improved.
- On the strategic map, on the other hand, the year has been extended to four seasons, a completely new supply system has been implemented, previously unknown raw materials have been introduced, and a realistic pace of army marches has been provided.
- Historical bugs in the graphics have also been corrected and a much greater visual variety of textures and equipment has been introduced.
These are just a handful of selected changes. The mod introduces hundreds of novelties, which in total strongly change the entire game.
- Divide et Impera - download the mod from our FTP site (the authors have given us permission to host a mirror)
The new version of the mod is numbered 1.3.2 and offers many highlights, including an additional campaign in the form of Rome's War against Mithridates, which begins in 83 BC. This campaign also features three new factions.
Version 1.3.2 also brings improvements to most of the previously available factions, both in terms of gameplay balance and the appearance and behavior of units. There were also bug fixes.
Recall that Total War: Rome II was released in September 2013 and is only available on PC. Divide et Impera is currently the most popular and important mod for the game. It is considered by fans to be a must-have item for those who want to play this strategy game from Creative Assembly today.