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News Cooldown 25 July 2024, 03:52

author: Michal Serwicki

Total War Pharaoh Update Adds Easter Egg Referencing First Human Complaint

The developers of Total War: Pharaoh have shown that they not only know history but also know how to draw funny tidbits from it. A new easter egg will amuse both players and historians.

Source: Creative Assembly

The Total War series is a well-known and beloved brand of strategy games among players. Apart from the installments related to the world of Warhammer, the games try to reflect the historical realities of individual nations to a lesser or greater extent, following the conclusions of historians. In a similar way, the developers recently decided to include a small joke in the game.

Copper complaint in Total War: Pharaoh

Total War: Pharaoh is the last game from Creative Assembly, which was released last year. The title received a mixed reception among players, who aren't entirely satisfied with its quality, as well as the developers' solutions. The creators are still trying to improve the title and are introducing further updates. The most recent release, Dynasties, which is making its debut today, introduced a humorous easter egg into the game that was well-received by players.

Total War: Pharaoh features the House of Ea-Nasir, which grants a victory point and increases diplomacy by three points. Furthermore, Ea-Nasir himself is featured in the game and is known as the ruler of Ur.

Total War Pharaoh Update Adds Easter Egg Referencing First Human Complaint - picture #1
Source: Reddit/MonstersAbound

You are probably wondering why we are writing about this and why this topic is taking over social media. Well, according to historians, Ea-Nasir was a copper merchant who received the first documented complaint in history.

The merchant received a clay tablet from a man named Nanni, who wrote on it his comments regarding mistreatment and poor-quality copper. It turns out that Ea-Nasir sold copper that wasn't appropriate, and then refused to return the money to Nanni, who sent his messengers, and they returned with nothing. As a result, the disappointed merchant announced that he wouldn't buy any copper from Ea-Nasir that didn't meet his requirements.

Total War Pharaoh Update Adds Easter Egg Referencing First Human Complaint - picture #2
Source: Geni / Wikipedia

[…] What do you take me for that you treat me somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you] but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! […]

Players' reactions to the easter egg

Fans on Reddit fully appreciate the little detail added by the devs, as they don't hold back on making jokes about the developers' idea, particularly because they portrayed Ea-Nasir as a good hero and even as the ruler of Ur.

They made him a faction leader? Nanni is spinning in his grave right now

-- CountDracula2604.

You can't trust this guy I tell ya

-- YongleEmperor.

Fans also have a few ideas about what skills Ea-Nasir could have. Of course, they would be consistent with the history and his not entirely honest behavior.

"Give 100 Gold for 356 Bronze"

Get 355 stones

-- SneakyMarkusKruber.

Would be cool if it cost like 5 copper a turn or something, like make it ridiculously low but still have the reference


And what do you think about such a reference? Do you know any other historical trivia that could be included in games as easter eggs?

Michal Serwicki

Michal Serwicki

A physicist who became a journalist. Began working with in the fall of 2021. In journalism, he likes the role of a one-man band and tacles various topics and issues himself. Games have accompanied him since childhood. He grew up on Heroes III, and in between building the capitol, he went through successive generations of Pokémon, pulling all-nighters with handhelds. In games, he values a good story and emotions above all else. Besides virtual entertainment, he plays RPGs, where as a game master he leads adventures in numerous systems, especially Dungeons & Dragons. He spends his free time away from games reading Marvel and DC Comics. A big fan of Stephen King's work and is trying his hand at writing himself.
