The Outlast Trials - Hear the Words, See the Words Guide
The final trial in The Outlast Trials has an objective called Hear the Words, See the Words. From this guide you will learn how to finish it.

The Outlast Trials was recently released in a full version. As the title suggests, you will face various trials during your adventure. When you complete them all, you will get access to the final mission. While doing it, you will have to go through the Hear the Words, See the Words objective. From this guide you will learn how to deal with it.
The Outlast Trials – Hear the Words, See the Words in Reborn
You can find the entire walkthrough of the final mission in our Outlast Trials Guide
When you complete all available missions in The Outlas Trials, you will gain access to Program X. Completing each stage will earn you a token. When you collect them all, you will unlock the final challenge called Reborn. You can unlock this mission from a special place in the lobby. It is difficult to miss this point, because it’s guarded.
Reborn is a trial that you have to complete alone. During this mission you need to successfully finish series of tasks. By far the least obvious in this case is the last one – Hear the Words, See the Words. To progress, you have to take the hint literally.
- First, you must tune three transmitters. They are in the area opened by the second key, but their placement is random. The minigame itself works the same way as in previous missions. You just have to overlap the two frequencies.
- Then you need to replace the reel in the projector in the theater. To do so, however, you must first find the item. It can lie anywhere, so you have to look around. Mostly it’s located in the lower part of the property.
If you are interested in Outlast Trials then I recommend you read our previous news.
More:Outlast Trials Guide