The Last of Us 2 Presentation Cancelled - Sony Resigns From PAX East

Sony resigned from the PAX East event. This means that there will be no special preview of the playable version of The Last of Us 2. The reason for the decision is the fear of the coronavirus.

Peter Doron

Sony is giving up PAX East 2020:

  • Sony resigned from participation in PAX East 2020 (February 27 - March 1);
  • The reason is the epidemic of COVID-19 coronavirus;
  • The participants of the event were to be able to play The Last of Us: Part II.

The coronavirus epidemic has taken another toll on the technological world. After the cancellation of Mobile World Congress 2020 and a number of Asian events, Sony decided to resign from the Boston PAX East. The Japanese company informed about the fact via the American PlayStation blog. The event will take place from February 27 to March 1.

There will be no presentation of The Last of Us 2 - Sony has resigned from PAX East.

In the statement we read:

"Today, Sony Interactive Entertainment made the decision to cancel its participation at PAX East in Boston this year due to increasing concerns related to COVID-19 (also known as “novel coronavirus”). We felt this was the safest option as the situation is changing daily. We are disappointed to cancel our participation in this event, but the health and safety of our global workforce is our highest concern."

The information will surely sadden the players waiting for The Last of Us: Part II - a highly promising action adventure game and a sequel to one of the best games of the previous generation. This year's PAX East was to be the first and only opportunity to test the playable version of the game before the launch, scheduled for May 29. During the event, Sony was also to present Final Fantasy VII Remake, Genshin Impact, NioH 2, Predator: Hunting Grounds, Spelunky 2 and Trials of Mana.

It is worth recalling that at the beginning of the year Sony officially resigned from participating in E3, although at that time the reason was not the coronavirus. The company then announced that it "has hundreds of smaller events planned to promote the PlayStation brand. One of them was probably related to this year's PAX East. Who knows if COVID-19 will not sink Sony's other plans.

  1. PlayStation blog
  2. PAX East - official website

The Last of Us: Part II

June 19, 2020

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Peter Doron

Author: Peter Doron

Educated as a journalist and political scientist. In since 2004. He started with previews and reviews, to join the Newsroom after a year and stayed there ever since. Currently the head of this department, where he manages a team composed of both specialists in their field and ambitious newbies, eager to learn and do their best. Former editor of emu@dreams, where he got by his fascination with emulation and consoles, as well as a reviewer for GB More magazine. A fan of information, games (it would take a long time to list favorite genres), the Internet, a good sci-fi and fantasy book, will also watch a well-crafted series or movie. Husband, father of three children, aesthete, advocate of moderation in private life.

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