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News movies & tv series 09 October 2024, 10:06

That's How Much Money the Boy from Titanic Still Gets Every Year for One Sentence He Said in the Movie

Titanic still allows the actors who starred in it to make money. Even those who had small roles and said just one line in the film.

Source: Titanic, James Cameron, 20th Century Fox, 1997

Titanic is a cult movie to which audiences still return today, even though the film is now 27 years old. Its stars provided not only recognition, but also significant earnings – by the way, not only for the leading actors, but also for the actors of smaller roles, including Reece Thompson. In Titanic, he played a young boy from Ireland who was a third-class passenger and tragically perished along with his family.

The young actor was cast in Titanic when his mother enrolled him in a talent agency and faced a choice between two offers for her son. Thompson could have starred in a commercial or been offered a small role in a James Cameron film, and as we now know, she opted for the second option for her son. This choice, in addition to the basic paycheck, also provided her son with a bonus of $30,000 due to the success of the film. This money the parents invested in Thompson's education. But that's not the only payout he could count on thanks to Titanic – he was paid royalties every year, which continue to flow into his account to this day.

Thanks to the fact that Thompson had a speaking role, even though it was only one sentence, he can receive royalties that extras are not entitled to. As Business Insider reports, today the more than 30-year-old man, who is director of digital marketing at a ski resort in Utah, can count on paychecks of $100-250 a year for his role in Titanic. Fresh from the film's release, the checks were higher, reaching up to several thousand. Thompson could also count on similar amounts after the release of the DVD and Blu-ray versions and the theatrical re-release, however, over the years the rates began to decrease and now it is only a few hundred dollars.

But Reece Thompson confessed that although the sums are not impressive, he is still happy to receive checks for his participation in the iconic Titanic.

Edyta Jastrzebska

Edyta Jastrzebska

A graduate of journalism and social communication as well as cultural studies. She started at as one of the newspeople in the films department. Currently she oversees the Gamepressure movie&TV newsroom. She excels in the field of film and television, both in reality-based and fantasy themes. Keeps up with industry trends, but in her free time she prefers to watch less known titles. Has a complicated relationship with popular ones, which is why she only gets convinced about many of them when the hype around them subsides. Loves to spend her evenings not only watching movies, series, reading books and playing video games, but also playing text RPGs, which she has been into for several years.
