vehicles Latest news

Everything about Car and Plane Mods in Palworld
From this guide you will find out if there are cars and planes in Palworld. Read our article for more details.
How to
Adam Adamczyk
January 26, 2024
S-Pod is Self-balancing Vehicle From Segway
At this year's CES 2020 hardware fair, Segway will be presenting the new electric vehicle called S-Pod. It's a two-wheeled chair, which is supposed to be an upgraded version of the classic Segway used, for example by security staff.
hardware & software
Paul Wozniak
January 5, 2020
Battlefield 5: new vehicle and fixes in second January patch
DICE released the second January patch for Battlefield V. The developers have introduced a new vehicle, and dealt with a number of issues plaguing their work.
video games
Christian Pieniazek
January 30, 2019
Cyberpunk 2077 to feature drivable vehicles and planes
Viewing the job listing for Cyberpunk 2077, the next big RPG from the creators of the Witcher series, reveals that the game will feature all sorts of drivable vehicles and machines.
video games
August 30, 2016