rules Latest news
EA Cracks Down on Toxic Behavior in Games
Electronic Arts has published an article titled Positive Play Charter, in which it discusses the principles of battling toxicity in games. The company will not hesitate to ban all the accounts of the most rebellious users, but considers this as a last resort.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
June 18, 2020
No More Nudity on Twitch. Website Introduces New Rules
Twitch has updated the rules on nudity and pornography on streams. The new recommendations are more detailed, and not following them will result in the deletion of content or blocking your account.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
April 8, 2020
30 days to Return Games on; Company Updates Refund Policy has updated its refund policy. From now on, customers of the platform will be able to get a refund for the game they've bought on the website up to 30 days after the purchase, regardless of the time they've spent playing.
video games
Michael Kulakowski
February 26, 2020