ecology Latest news

Beavers Cause Internet Blackout in Canadian Town
The forces of nature sometimes disrupt the telephone network, cause power outages, or even, as in this case, cut off half a town from the Internet. However, it rarely happens that this kind of damage is caused by... beavers.
hardware & software
Bartlomiej Sagan
April 27, 2021

Bill Gates Warns: Bitcoin Mining Will Affect Climate Change
It's been almost six months since the next cryptocurrency boom began. Bill Gates warns that mining BTC and similar digital money will have a negative impact on the climate.
hardware & software
Bartlomiej Sagan
March 10, 2021

Elon Musk Offers $100 Million for New Green Technology
The presence of large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the biggest challenges faced by environmentalists. Elon Musk intends to reward the creator of the most effective method of removing the greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.
hardware & software
Bartlomiej Sagan
January 22, 2021

One of Xbox Series X/S Features is Harmful to Environment
It turns out Microsoft's next-gen console may be harming the environment with its instant-on feature. So says a study conducted by the Natural Resources Defense Council.
hardware & software
January 17, 2021
The Internet on Global Warming - Server Rooms are as Bad as Airlines
According to calculations by Swedish researcher Anders Andrae, in 2020, maintaining of all global server rooms will require an amount of energy comparable to that consumed by all Canadians. Worse still, data centres' demand for electricity will double over the next decade.
Bart Swiatek
January 7, 2020
Microsoft and Xbox Go Carbon Neutral
Microsoft joins the fight for a better future for our planet and becomes part of the „Playing for the Planet” initiative. In addition, the company announces the creation of the first consoles completely neutral in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.
hardware & software
Barth Faryna
September 24, 2019
PS5 Will Need Less Power; Sony Joins "Playing for the Planet”
Sony joins the fight for the future of our planet and becomes part of the „Playing for the Planet” initiative. Its aim is to take all possible actions to, among others, reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere through appropriate management of energy consumption.
hardware & software
Barth Faryna
September 23, 2019