Stray Beats God of War, Becomes Best-rated Game of the Year on Steam
Stray is doing brilliantly, and players are rating it so well that the title can be considered the best game of 2022 on Steam, currently dethroning God of War in terms of ratings.

Although Stray can hardly be called a big release, the work of the Blue Twelve Studio team recorded a very successful debut. Even before it hit the market, the feline cyberpunk adventure hit the Steam's bestseller list and collected high ratings from reviewers.
Apparently, the game also appealed to the numerous players. On Steam Stray has as many as 97.7% positive ratings from nearly 44,000 users. Thus, the title fared comparably well as the PC edition of God of War. Or even better, because in Steam250's ranking Stray overtakes the Nordic episode of Kratos adventures with a score of 8.61 and thus is the highest rated game of the year on Steam. The website assigns scores to games depending on the number and type of reviews received from players (positive or negative).
It is fair to note that the feline adventure game has less ratings so far than the last GoW (43,770 to 53,123 reviews). Nevertheless, the weighted average falls in favor of Stray, which is also ranked 49th on the list of the best Steam games of all time.
In addition, Stray continues to attract crowds of players. At the time of publication of this text on Steam the title was being played by more than 9,000 users simultaneously, and at the hottest moment of the day, the game attracted more than 35,000 people at once. Let's remember that we're talking about a single-player game created by a team of a dozen or so people, which takes only a few hours to complete. Such great interest a week after its release is a great success for such a title.