Storyline Of Borderlands 3 Will Last At Least 30 Hours
If you were afraid that Borderlands 3 might turn out to be a short game, you can be calm. The creators promise that the main plot will last for 30 hours, provided you're in a real hurry.
After the world had seen the extensive gameplay and heard the head of Gearbox Software say that the production would not have pay-to-win micropayments, it was time to reveal more details about the feature campaign. Or rather, its length. It will take approximately 30 hours to complete the main story in Borderlands 3. That's what the game's creative director, Paul Sage, says:
If you beeline it through, and I mean beelining it through, it might take you 30 hours to complete the main story.
What is interesting, it was very similar in the case of Borderlands 2. This is the result of data collected on How Long to Beat, a site that calculates the average length of feature campaigns in games (as well as the time needed to "relax" individual titles). The main story in the previous version of the cycle took on average slightly less than 31 hours for players. However, if you add experimenting with character builds, NG mode or finishing side storylines, the production could last up to 115 hours.
Given the fact that Borderlands 3 (like the previous versions of the cycle) will offer hundreds of thousands of different guns and many character development options, there is hardly any reason to worry about inactivity in the game. The title will be available on the shelves on September 13th and will be available on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
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