Star Wars: The Bad Batch the Animated Series Announced
Disney announced a new animated project from the Star Wars universe, which will debut at Disney in 2021. Star Wars: The Bad Batch is a spin-off to the highly-praised Clone Wars, in which we will follow the adventures of the title elite commando unit.
After the successful and well-received seventh season of Clone Wars, Disney and Lucasfilm announced that they are currently working on another animated project set in the Star Wars universe. The new series, titled Star Wars: The Bad Batch, will debut on Disney+ in 2021. Its producer and original creator is Dave Filloni, creator of Clone Wars and Rebels, and director of several episodes of last year's live action Mandalorian. He is assisted by proven LucasFilm veterans who have previously worked with the creator on all his animated projects.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch is a spin-off to Clone Wars, and its main protagonists will be members of the series' fan-favorite elite five-man Clone Force number 99, but they are also commonly known as The Bad Batch. Clad in characteristic skull armor, the soldiers took part in key battles with the Confederacy of Independent Systems forces. Each member of the team has a unique mutation, which visually differentiates them from ordinary clones and provides them with additional skills such as sharpened eyesight, increased strength and intelligence.
Star Wars: The Bad Batch will take place shortly after the creation of the Galactic Empire. Heroes who have managed to avoid the effects of Order 66 by removing control chips from their bodies must find themselves in a new and completely uncertain reality. Viewers will accompany them on their dangerous missions as mercenaries.
It is worth mentioning that Clone Force 99 made its debut in the first episode of the seventh season of Clone Wars, available on Disney+. George Lucas himself came up with the idea of The Bad Batch. The group was to appear in the originally planned episodes of the sixth season of Clone Wars, which, however, were deleted by the Disney label just after it took over Star Wars IP rights.
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