Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic Movie Adaptation in the Works
There is unconfirmed information on the web that Lucasfilm is currently working on a script for a film adaptation of the extremely popular RPG Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic. The film is supposed to be the first episode of a new trilogy.
Buzzfeed reports that the scriptwriter Laeta Kalogridis (Avatar, Shutter Island, Terminator Genisys, Alita: Battle Angel, Altered Carbon series and the planned American adaptation of the Japanese books from the Sword Art Online series) is completing a script for a film adaptation of the 2003 and still popular Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic RPG. The script, commissioned by Lucasfilm, is potentially the first installment of a new trilogy.
Of course, this is only a rumor that has not been confirmed by other sources. Let us remember, however, that the creators of Star Wars have repeatedly expressed their interest in the period of the Old Republic. What's more, Kathleen Kennedy, head of Lucasfilm, said in an interview from a month ago that talks about KOTOR are a regular part of her studio work. So it is possible that the adaptation of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic will be directed by the creators of the Game of Thrones TV series - David Benioff and D.B. Weiss (note that this was already mentioned informally in March). According to the plans announced some time ago and confirmed recently, the two are to deal with the upcoming new trilogy of films not related to the Skywalker saga, which will be released in 2022, 2024 and 2026, respectively.

The first part of Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic was released in 2003 and the second part just a year later.
We should also remember that if the rumors about the adaptation turn out to be true and it will really hit the silver screen, fans of BioWare and Obsidian should be prepared for a disappointment. In the best case, they will recognize only a few characters and threads from the original. Several years old games from the series have of course a crowd of dedicated fans, but they are a small percentage of the audience going to the cinema to see Star Wars. The artists from Lucasfilm will not get out of their way by trying to remain faithful to the spirit and the script of both games. Moreover, the vision of the Old Republic, Jedi Knights and Sith in the series deviates from and often contradicts, what is in the new Star Wars canon. In a possible film the visual side of the world, including the appearance of space vehicles, vehicles, and other technologies, will probably also change completely.