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News video games 20 October 2015, 11:43

author: luckie

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II got a new official patch

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II got a bunch of game fixes in the latest, October 2015 update. The patch is available on Steam for all three platforms – Windows, Linux, and Mac.

10-year-old Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II jus got a new official patch – the second one after a long while. The update is available for Steam version on all platforms – Windows, Linux, and Mac. Generally speaking, this is a portion of game fixes plus some new Steam Achievements. The full changelog was posted at this address, below you have the list of adjustments universal for all three platforms:

Universal Changes:

  1. Added 20 user-generated achievements
  2. Fixed an issue with Pet Rock achievement not unlocking in TSLRCM
  3. Fixed a crash when adding more than five mods
  4. Fixed two issues tied to Mouse Look
  5. Fixed an issue with the controller menu appearing on top of dialog screens
  6. Fixed an issue with Kreia not disappearing properly on Korriban
  7. Fixed a shader issue causing NPC droid eyes to not be illuminated
  8. Fixed an issue with alternate dialog not appearing after multiple play-throughs
  9. Changed the behavior of the Light/Dark Side point achievements
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II got a new official patch - picture #1
KotOR II is still a piece of great roleplay.

Because of the game’s advanced age (for a video game 10 years must be like 50-something by human standards) that is a rare thing. The last time the beloved KotOR II got a game update – to surprise of all fans – was in July 2015. The Obsidian Entertainment’s production was originally released in 2005 by LucasArts. Despite being incomplete (much of the planned content never made it into the full game in its entirety) KotOR II got high acclaim, especially among fans of Star Wars lore.

  1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II 10/15 patch notes
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords